Killzone 3 to Feature 2 Antagonists | Game Guru

Killzone 3 will look to divulge into the background of the Helghan empire and also look to introduce a new face to strife that has erupted post the assassination of Scholar Visari. Hulst explained, �So in this game, we�re mostly visiting various areas of the planet. We�re also giving you a flavor of the Helghast culture by replacing the one nemesis with two guys that are actually competing for power, because of that almost like civil war that�s happening in the background. You get to experience a lot more of what those guys are like. So actually we�re trying to make it richer rather than narrower.�

So there you have it guys, according to Hulst players will be facing not one but two antagonists who are trying to control the remnants of the crumbling Helghan Empire. This also gives us an insight to the fact that players might combat 2 different factions of the Helghan Empire resulting in 2 different branches of enemies.