am vorbit cu cei de la Microsoft din Romania, si spun ca nu pot sa ma ajute, pt ca XBOX 360 nefiind comercializat in ROmania, nu pot sa-mi acorde garantie si suport tehnic. Eu fac ceva pe garantia lor, pt ca oricum consolele le-as lua din MG, iar de suport tehnic nici nu am nevoie.
Cei de la Sony si Ninetndo, nici nu s-au obosit sa-mi raspunda.

Interesant este ca de licentele jocurilor de la MIcrosoft de exemplu se ocupa "IGames". Le-am dat mail celor de la Igames, explicandu-le problema, si si au spus ca daca vreau sa folosesc jocuri Microsoft in console cafe, trebuie sa platesc 25 $ / joc ( sau pe toate, nu mai stiu si nu mai gasesc mailul ).

Citat din mailul de la MIcrosoft :
Thank you for contacting Microsoft online support for XBOX. I am Francis and I will be helping you today with this issue.

We already received your email and I understand that you're inquiring for the licensing and legalities with regards to the Xbox console that will enable you to establish a console caf�.

Thank you for your interest in helping us to expand and promote our products and services. We appreciate your loyalty and recognition to Microsoft and we would like to take this wonderful opportunity to help you in your goals.

Xbox has an official agreement with iGames to have them administer our net caf� business worldwide. Please direct all e-mail enquiries to iGames at [email protected] or visit Because of the nature of our business, we cannot give you with this sort of information as it is considered confidential. Feel free to visit the Xbox Web site for information about the product and other related marketing activities

Should you need to reply to this e-mail, please reply 'with history' (include any previous e-mail) or reference to Service Request Number 1090388615 so we can expedite our service to you.

You may also choose to call Xbox Phone Support."