Update: Skyrim to feature children, lock-picking, and more | PlayStation University | www.psuni.com

Summary of the details:

- There will be eight to nine settlements outside of the major five cities
- Inventory map will be similar to Google Maps and in 3D
- Cannot make notes on the map
- Children will be present in Skyrim
- Not all dragons are out to destroy you, some are friendly
- Traders will be depend on harvests, so if there is a cornfield in the city which gets destroyed by a fire, the traders in the city will run out of corn or you have to pay horrible prices
- Players will be able to buy houses
- Lock-picking will be a mini-game
- Bethesda are planning to connect Skyrim with social networks like Facebook

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim director Todd Howard provided further information on Skyrim in his interview here, discussing races, dungeons, AI, and new creatures. The more Betheda says on this title, the more my anticipation grows. Currently, Elder: Scrolls V: Skyrim is scheduled to release November 11, for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.

Update: According to a tweet by Bethesda’s Pete Hines, there must of been a mistranslation in the German Magazine about the social network integration.
“Gonna have to chalk that up to an error in translation or something. We said nothing of the sort.”