Single post: Starhawk primeste data de lansare

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar

    Starhawk primeste data de lansare

    Dupa ce Sony a decis sa ofere un public beta celor care detin conturi de PS Plus (impreuna cu un trailer dedicat acestuia), uite ca tot ei au decis sa ne ofere si data de lansare pentru urmatorul joc al celor de la Sony Santa Monica/LightBox Interactive. Surprinzator jocul se va lansa destul de devreme, adica in data de 8 mai al acestui an (Europa? America? Asta au "uitat" sa mentioneze).

    In caz ca sunt oameni care nu stiu ce include acest open beta, ei bine aveti mai jos detaliile oferite de catre firma nipona:

    The classic arcade flight mode from Warhawk returns.
    If the option is checked, when a host leaves a game, hosting duties are changed to a different player.
    European and Japanese language support is included. Also, they say that �Korea, China, Latin America and Brazil will be in English�but these will include the appropriate languages for the full game.�
    Players will be able to unlock unique gameplay skills based on their performance.
    PSN integration of Friends includes friends� status, messages, and friend requests.
    �Lots and lots� of bugs have been addressed for the Public Beta.
    De asemenea, o sa va "rasfat", oferindu-va un link direct la trailer-ul de care ziceam mai sus.

    Attached Images Attached Images starhawk3.jpg