Single post: Max Payne

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    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar

    Max Payne

    Dupa succesul incredibil avut cu relansarea GTA III in AppStore, se pare ca cei de la Rockstar ne pregatesc o noua surpriza de proportii.
    “Any news about Max Payne on iOS?” - avbros
    Yes – following the release of Grand Theft Auto III for iOS (and Android devices) late last year, the original Max Payne will be our next release for mobile devices. We will have an official announcement soon confirming the release date, but you can expect it to finally be released sometime in the next couple months.
    Asadar, in urmatoarele luni (cam aceeasi perioada cu lansarea Max Payne III, banuiesc), ne vom bucura de primul Max Payne pe iDevice-urile personale


    Eu personal, speram la o continuare a "traditiei" incepute cu GTA III si sincer, chiar speram sa vad GTA Vice City anul acesta pe iDevice-uri iar la anul chiar San Andreas. Dar se pare ca va mai trebui sa asteptam pentru acestea.
    Attached Images Attached Images 256px-maxpaynebox.jpg