Jucatorii din a doua serie Topanga League au fost anuntati!

YHC-Mochi (Dhalsim)
Eita (Akuma)
Banbaban (Cammy)
Dogura (Dictator)
Naruo (Evil Ryu)
Sasaki (Cody)
Michael-tan (Ken)
Pamyu (Boxer)
-6 (Akuma)
Yasu (Guile)
Kyabetsu (C. Viper)
Dashio (Seth)
VER (Gouken)
Ojisanboy (Abel)

Beast Note added more details about the tournament, noting that:

After the league is finished, the 3rd place will fight Bon-chan, and the 4th place will fight Tokido. The playoff* is for the spots in A League.

The rules are first-to-six-games to win a set, first-to-two-sets to win a match. (TOPANGA League offline rules).

Nyanshi confirmed that B League is pay-per-view and details will follow later (but the qualifier stream is free). He also answered some questions from viewers.
- B League also has prize money (to be announced).
- RF and Kindevu won't participate.

Good char variety.

@ Mini - he's ****ing slim and slender as **** come on! nu la asta m-am referit
Dar cred ca daca venea prima zi si vedea ca nu e un PS3 cu jocul bun macar, isi iesea din minti pe acolo!

Nu Radule?