Single post: BioWare renunta la Mass Effect pentru bere

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    BioWare renunta la Mass Effect pentru bere

    Da, asa este. Co-fondatorii BioWare Greg Zeschuk si Ray Muzyka au anuntat ca vor lasa studioul pe care l-au fondat acum aproape 20 de ani. BioWare, bine-cunoscuti pentru Mass Effect, Dragon Age sau franciza Star Wars. Vorbele co-fondatorului Greg Zecshuk sunt: "E greu sa faci acelasi lucru 20 de ani. Uneori viata e plina de satisfactii, alteori nu". Plecarea de la studio nu are legatura cu vreo cearta a celor doi co-fondatori, sau ca nu mai merg vanzarile, ba dimpotriva erau in crestere. El mai spune ca interesele lui nu mai au legatura cu jocurile video, iar acum s-a gandit sa se axeze pe un show numit "The Beer Diaries", premiera acestuia avand loc in Texas. Trist totusi,sa vezi cum o companie atat de bine dezvoltata sa dispara brusc... Dar ce sa-i facem?

    Greg Zeschuk:
    "Everything's a factor," Zeschuk said. "There's nothing that's not a factor, but there's no single one thing. I think the best way I can describe is: Do the same thing for twenty years and it's very, very intense. It's very high pressure. It's very high stress. It's challenging. It's sometimes rewarding and sometimes it's not. And you just get tired of it after awhile. That is probably the easiest way to for me to describe it. Sometimes you just need to change things."
    Attached Images Attached Images the_beer_diaries.jpg