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    MGS: Ground Zeroes ar putea fi prea "riscant" sa fie realizat

    Dupa cum ati citit si in titlu, acestea sunt cuvintele lui Kojima, designerul jocului Metal Gear Solid. Acesta a explicat intr-un interviu ca jocul se concentreaza pe lucruri ce ar putea fi controversate si ca ar fi prea greu de vandut chiar daca se realizeaza. Totodata a mai spus: "Sincer, eu vreau sa incerc sa ma bazez pe teme taboo si mature... care sunt destul de riscante. Nici nu sunt sigur daca voi reusi sa-l realizez, si chiar daca o fac nu se va vinde pentru ca e prea mult, dar ca si creator vreau sa trec peste acest risc". Kojima nu pare ingrijorat de faptul ca nu se va vinde, el vrea sa-si exprime creativitatea in joc.

    "Ma apropii de acest proiect si pe primul loc este creativitatea, dupa aceea vanzarile" a mai spus el.
    Pana la urma iese sau nu iese ?
    Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes may be too "risky" to ever see release. Designer Hideo Kojima explained in a roundtable interview session attended by Videogamer that the game's focus on mature and taboo themes may make it too controversial to sell, even if it does release.

    "That's precisely what I want to try to tackle with Ground Zeroes. Honestly I'm going to be targeting a lot of taboos, a lot of mature themes that really are quite risky," Kojima said. "I'm not even sure if I'm going to be able to release the game, and even if I did release the game then maybe it wouldn't sell because it's too much. As a creator I want to take that risk."

    Kojima said games have not matured much in the past 25 years--including Metal Gear Solid games--, saying "It's always about killing aliens and zombies." He said he thinks these games are fun, but claimed they have "a long way to go before they can mature."

    Kojima does not seem too worried about hitting sales targets for Ground Zeroes. Ultimately, he said creativity trumps sales.

    "I'm approaching the project as a creator and prioritizing creativity over sales," he said.
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