Single post: The Witness

  1. #7 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Island Snapshot

    … which doesn’t look too much different from last time’s. Partially this is because we’ve been working on things that you don’t see from this angle.

    We still have so much to do!

    On my end, I’ve been working for the past couple of weeks on UI-related things. For a week I was doing better touch controls (perhaps we’ll post a video of this soon), and for a week I was somewhat-rewriting the code that implements tracing lines on panels. This can get surprisingly complicated, and I’ve rewritten it a few times. I think this is close to the last time, though.

    The game tells me the current puzzle count is 574, which is higher than I expected, but hey.

    Here are some shots from different angles:
    Attached Images Attached Images shot_2013.05.17__time_15_26_n02.png shot_2013.05.17__time_15_25_n01.png