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Thread: Clubul Google Pixel Phone (latest: 9, 9 Pro / Pro XL / Pro Fold)

  1. #21 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    In afara exista niste Google Stores, care functioneaza exact ca un Apple Store. Am dus un Nexus 9 cu o problema de incarcare si mi-au dat alta pe loc, desi nu era cumparata de la ei ci din mediamarkt. Diferenta fata de Apple Store a fost ca au cerut si bonul, nu a ajuns doar codul IMEI. Also, ce zice Razvan cu produsele Apple cred ca se intampla doar in România, in afara inca iti da produse noi pe loc.

    La partea cu service-ul nu cred ca vor reusi mare lucru, nu cred ca vor fi la nivelul Apple decat in cativa ani, iar asta doar daca au si interesul sa ofere serviciile astea. Ca exemplu, in Olanda sunt peste 20 de Apple Stores si parteneri oficiali care iti pot schimba produsul pe loc in caz de ceva, dar Google Store e doar unul.

    Produsele Google se mai pot returna si direct la ei, pentru Europa in UK, dar trebuie validat produsul, trimis, asteptat, etc. Nu e foarte elegant, dar se poate.

  2. #22 SP
    Member felixanu's Avatar
    Ce vreau sa stiu eu e daca google va mai continua cu seria NEXUS?
    Momentan detin un 5x, sunt super multumit de el, nu vad rostul unui upgrade tocmai la Pixel, poate de BF voi trece la 6P.
    Avand in vedere pretul noilor flagship-uri de la google, as fi tentat sa incerc si eu pentru prima data Iphone

  3. #23 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Nu, din cate au inteles nu mai au niciun fel de planuri de a continua platforma Nexus... But, never say never!

  4. #24 SP
    Member felixanu's Avatar
    Ce este sau ce era frumos la Nexus e ca puteai incerca mai multe telefoane cu un sistem de operare android clean, de fapt pentru mine asta e placerea de a folosi dispozitivele Nexus. Asteptam cu nerabdare noul Nexus facut in colaborare cu HTC/HUAWEI, acum se pare ca am Pixel.
    Eu ca fan Nexus sunt extrem de dezamagit, intotdeauana m-am vazut ca un utilizator al dispozitivelor nexus....

  5. #25 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eu cred ca si Pixel va incerca sa fie cat mai clean... dar nu stiu exact cum vor proceda sau daca la Pixel vor dori sa se diferentieze de ceilalti. Bine, mie in ziua de azi nici Android-ul stock nu mai mi se pare atat de clean, avand in vedere ca-ti baga pe gat vreo 40 de aplicatii de la Google, multe din ele pe care nu le-am folosit si nu le voi folosi vreodata.

  6. #26 SP
    is the man! trickz's Avatar
    One more interesting thing about the Pixel XL is that while Google has contracted HTC to assemble the phone, there’s no real evidence of any HTC input in its design. Google did that all by itself, using components from Samsung, Qualcomm and others. The only HTC part in the Pixel XL is its battery, which is 13.28 Wh. That’s larger than the one on Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus at 11.1 Wh, but smaller than Samsung’s aborted Galaxy Note 7 at 13.48 W and the Galaxy S7 edge at 13.86 Wh.
    Via Android Authority sau direct ifixit.

  7. #27 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar

  8. #28 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Cum naiba rezistă ăsta în apă atât de mult când S7 e mai rezistent conform cifrelor si cunosc pe cineva cu S7 EDGE căzut in apa , recuperat repede si telefonul varză acum?

  9. #29 SP
    Member iUser's Avatar
    ^Eu am intrat cu S7-le, tot edge, in mare. Nu mi-am dat seama ca il aveam in buzunar, a stat cam 30 de secunde in apa. Telefonul nu are nimic, iar chestia asta s-a intamplat acum 3 luni.
    Pixel va fi disponibil si la operatori? Nu gasesc nimic despre el pe site-ul Orange.

  10. #30 SP
    Senior Member Mayhem's Avatar

  11. #31 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Confirmed, are cea mai buna camera.

    Full review:

    The Final Word

    The Google Pixel XL is a well-rounded premium smartphone and currently offers the best image quality of all smartphone cameras. If you can live without the additional flexibility of the "tele"-lens in the iPhone 7 Plus dual-camera or the super-wide-angle in the LG G5, the Pixel XL is an obvious choice. If you don't like its rather large dimension, the sister model Pixel offers the same camera specifications in a smaller package with a 5" 1080p display

  12. #32 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  13. #33 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  14. #34 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Pixel 4a 5G, Pixel 5:

    5G Pixel phones:

    Pixel 4a (5G) and Pixel 5 pack 5G speeds and so much more
    Attached Images Attached Images pixel_4a_4a_5g_5_comaprison_chart.max-1000x1000.jpg

  15. #35 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Pixel 6 si 6 Pro:
    - We set out to make our own System on a Chip (SoC) to power Pixel 6.

    - Tensor is our first custom-built SoC specifically for Pixel phones, and it will power the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro later this fall.

    - From the new design that combines the same beautiful aesthetic across software and hardware with Android 12, to the new Tensor SoC, everything about using the Pixel is better.

    - We also upgraded the rear camera system. The improved sensors and lenses are now too big to fit into the traditional square — so the new design gives the whole camera system a new home with the camera bar.

    - The Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro have new materials and finishes, too — like the Pro’s light polished aluminum frame, and the 6’s matte aluminum finish. And they both feel great in your hand.

    - The team that designed our silicon wanted to make Pixel even more capable. For example, with Tensor we thought about every piece of the chip and customized it to run Google's computational photography models. For users, this means entirely new features, plus improvements to existing ones.

    - Tensor enables us to make the Google phones we’ve always envisioned — phones that keep getting better, while tapping the most powerful parts of Google, all in a highly personalized experience. And with Tensor’s new security core and Titan M2, Pixel 6 will have the most layers of hardware security in any phone**.

    - You’ll see this in everything from the completely revamped camera system to speech recognition and much more. So whether you're trying to capture that family photo when your kids won’t stand still, or communicate with a relative in another language, Pixel will be there — and it will be more helpful than ever.
    Google Tensor debuts on the new Pixel 6 this fall
    Attached Images Attached Images google_pixel_6_pro_google_pixel_6.max-1000x1000.jpg google_tensor_image_1ul11rg.max-1000x1000.png google_pixel_6__portfolio_shot_345ixg4.max-1000x1000.jpg

  16. #36 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Prezentate oficial, 6 de la $599, 6 Pro de la $899, 28 octombrie:
    Attached Images Attached Images 4-pixel-6-price.jpg 5-pixel-6-pro-price.jpg 11-6-new-colorways.jpg 15-whats-new-design.jpg 19-privacy-security-pixel.jpg 23-google-tensor-summary.jpg 35-new-pixel-6-camera.jpg 39-speech-pixel-6.jpg 41-lets-recap.jpg

  17. #37 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Mda, si in Europa începând cu 650€ și 900€. Enormă diferența de preț.

  18. #38 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Diferenta, nediferenta, important ar fi sa se gaseasca, dar nu e nicio sansa, pe canale oficiale sau gri, dar la pret corect.

    In Europa e disponibil doar in UK si DEU. UK din pacate iese din discutie, pentru ca vama. Asa ca ramane DEU, doar daca mergi sa cumperi de acolo sau ai pe cineva care te poate ajuta.

    S-au mai adus si la noi, dar la preturi mai mari si mult prea tarziu.
    Doar quickmobile aduce la timp si pret cat de cat ok, clar nu cel recomandat de vanzare, dar nah...cine cumpara de la ei?

  19. #39 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Pixel 6a, $449:
    Google Pixel 6a Unboxing - Here We Go Again...:

    Google Pixel 6A Review: Can You Feel It?:

  20. #40 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Pixel 7 / 7 Pro:

    7 vs. 7 Pro:

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