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Thread: The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

  1. #261 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    A trecut ceva timp de cand l-am jucat dar știu ca exista ceva (armura?) cu care puteam înota in sus pe cascade. Poate de asta ai nevoie.

  2. #262 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    33 MORE Things You STILL Didn't Know In Zelda Breath Of The Wild

  3. #263 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    BOTW's Most Powerful Glitch Of 2021 Explained

  4. #264 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Am terminat si eu acest joc minunat.

    Stiam ca luase GOTY in 2017 in detrimentul Horizon Zero Dawn, dar prima oara cand am intrat in joc am fost plin de preconceptii si m-am intrebat de ce as juca eu un joc cu grafica cartoon-ish pe o consola mica si cu un ecran atat de prost (nu inteleg cum sa scoti o consola minunata cu o librarie minunata dar cu un ecran mai prost decat Samsung Galaxy S2).

    Aici intervine efectul Zelda. In momentul in care am intrat in joc, am uitat ca nu este Xbox sau PlayStation, am uitat ca joc pe un ecran mai prost decat display-ul pe care il am acum la masina, am uitat tot.
    De la environment la gameplay, de la personaje si pana la povestea in sine, jocul mi se pare o capodopera.

    De multe ori am ignorat put si simplu main quest si m-am gasit in postura de a explora o parte din harta just because, realizand din loc in loc ca n-am stat degeaba sa gatesc, sa culeg resursa X sau sa stau de vorba cu personajul Y.
    Cand am ajuns la final prima data, jocul mi-a dat o palma dupa ceafa si mi-a spus voalat ca n-am ce sa caut acolo, inca.
    Bineinteles ca m-am frustrat in stilul propriu, dar apoi am realizat ca jocul imi spunea sa nu fiu prost si sa pierd o buna parte din el, care ulterior s-a dovedit a fi minunata. No spoilers..

    Singurele motive pentru care i-as da nota 9.5 si nu 10 ar fi controlul calului (dupa primele 15 secunde m-am dat jos si jos am fost , inclusiv la final) si faptul ca ... turnuri.
    Pai bine ma nene, lumea injura UBISOFT pentru ca 'turnuri-boring & repetitive', iar tu ma obligi din 2 in 2 ore sa urc si iar sa urc... si iar sa urc... apoi sa mai alunec... si iar sa urc...
    Anyway, e prea bun jocul ca aceste lucruri sa conteze, dar corect este sa le punctez.

    Nu vreau sa o lungesc, dar inchei prin a spune ca The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild a readus in mine acea pofta de a juca un joc doar pentru placere, nu pentru achievements/trofee, nu pentru a inregistra pentru canalul de youtube, nu pentru grafica si asa mai departe!

  5. #265 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    25 MORE Things You STILL Didn't Know In Zelda Breath Of The Wild

  6. #266 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    33 Amazing Ways To Fly In Zelda: Breath of the Wild

  7. #267 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    26 MORE Things You STILL Didn't Know In Zelda Breath Of The Wild

  8. #268 SP
    Member KiritoStefan's Avatar
    E vreo sansa sa se ieftineasca pe iarna pretul la joc ?
    Pretul acum e 295 lei.

  9. #269 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Jocurile de la Nintendo scad foarte greu sau deloc la preț. Mai bine cauta-l si ia-l de pe OLX.

  10. #270 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by KiritoStefan View Post
    E vreo sansa sa se ieftineasca pe iarna pretul la joc ?
    Pretul acum e 295 lei. l-am luat la cateva luni de la lansare cu 220 lei din Carrefour. Mergi prin magazine si vezi daca-l au si la ce bani. Stiu ca nu mai au reduceri atat de mari, dar poate este mai ieftin decat in alte parti.

    Sau cum zice colegu mai sus, vezi pe olx. Eu l-am dat cu 150 lei cand am dat consola.

  11. #271 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    254,90 lei la -

    269,00 lei la -

    Poți aștepta reducerile de sfârșit de an. Dar jocurile Nintendo nu au reduceri semnificative.

    Dacă ai noroc poți prinde varianta digitală la preț redus în magazinul online Switch.

    Cea mai ieftină variantă este OLX (sau ceva asemănător) unde prețurile încep de la 150-175 lei.

    Sau poți urmări secțiunea Bazar de pe forum.

  12. #272 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Varianta digitala nu a avut niciodata mai mult de 30% discount. Deci cel mai bine iesi de pe OLX.

  13. #273 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild blue fire will let you do your best pied piper impression, because kids just can't get over that burning blue-ness.

    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of those games that's so full of little details we keep finding surprises more than four years after it arrived, and the latest one doing the rounds on Reddit was spotted by Zelda Gif Notes on Twitter. It's easy enough to replicate yourself: just head to your nearest Ancient Furnace (there are some near Purah's Hateno Ancient Tech Lab), light a torch or other flammable wooden weapon, and bring it back to town to show the kids.

    They'll immediately start remarking on how rad your weirdo blue flame is - which is a fair assessment, honestly, because how could a normal torch that's somehow burning blue not be cool - and following you around in hopes of one day being so grossly incandescent. They'll follow you just about everywhere their little legs can take them, with some limitations such as ocean travel or leaping off of cliffs. Maybe in the Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel the kids will get gliders too.

    Other community-led Breath of the Wild discoveries include an ice arrow trick which can save your horse from the cold grasp of death, an updraft trick that can send Link to new heights, and a bug that just straight-up lets Link fly - like, without a glider.

    Assuming you can pull yourself away from finding new stuff in Hyrule, here are the upcoming Switch games we're looking forward to.
    Breath of the Wild players discover blue fire makes kids chase you like an ice cream truck

  14. #274 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GamesRadar+
    This week's Breath of the Wild discovery makes gangs of Guardians a whole lot easier to deal with.

    See that lad up top? The one shooting a laser out of its eye? Did you know you can perform a simple trick to stop a whole group of them in their tracks? Using the power of magnesis, one Breath of the Wild player demonstrates how to completely turn off Guardians' brains so they become, in the player's own eloquent phrasing, "easy pickings."

    Watching the video, it's easy to miss what actually caused the Guardians to cancel their lasers and stand around looking like dummies. According to Reddit user RinHara5aki, who discovered the trick, if you activate magnesis and then quickly drop an item in front of you, it creates "an invisible hitbox with weird properties." And apparently, it also shields you from the Guardians' lines of sight and disrupts their attack mechanism.

    From there, it's up to you whether you want to fire off a few well-aimed lightning arrows and finish them off or just fast travel out of there now that you've had your fun. Just remember that if you move away from the glitchy invisible box that's confusing the Guardians, they'll probably resume blasting you into smithereens pretty quickly, and they might even be extra mad that you pulled your little prank on them. Also, if there's a Guardian behind you, you'll want to use the same trick to make sure you're covered from both angles.
    This easy Breath of the Wild magnesis trick turns off Guardians' brains

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