Din trailer imi place cum arata. Nu stiu ce parere aveti voi dar eu sunt entuziasmat si abia astept sa iasa :X.
Din trailer imi place cum arata. Nu stiu ce parere aveti voi dar eu sunt entuziasmat si abia astept sa iasa :X.
Hype total, grafica cel-shaded cu classic 3D. Foarte activ acest nou Link in stilul celui din Twilight Princess.
Mda, cu siguranta imi voi cumpara un Wii pentru a 2a oara, daca prima data l-am cumparat pentru Twilight Princess si Metroid Prime acum cu siguranta il voi cumpara pentru Skyward Sword.
Leni! Unde esti sa vezi asta ca te apuca tremuratul.
VG247 Blog Archive Aonuma: Zelda: Skyward Sword takes place before Ocarina of Time
Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has revealed that a master timeline for the series does exist. How so? He’s told ONM that Skyward Princess takes place before The Ocarina of Time.
But speaking to the mag, he wouldn’t go into more specifics about the timeline, saying it was “confidential.”
“Yes there is a master timeline but its confidential document,” said Aonuma. “The only people to have access to that document are myself, Mr. Miyamoto and the director of the title. We cant share it with anyone else!”
But Aonuma then dropped the Skyward Sword/OoT connection.
“I have already talked to Mr. Miyamoto about this so I am comfortable in releasing this information – this title [Skyward Sword] takes place before Ocarina of Time.”
He went on to further explain the timeline a bit more.
“If I said that a certain title was ‘the first Zelda game’, then that means that we cant ever make a title that takes place before that,” he said.
“So for us to add titles to the series, we have to have a way of putting the titles before or after each other.”
Probabil e o miscare logica avind in vedere ca s-a cam spus tot ce se putea spune dupa Ocarina of Time. Acum ne spune cum a reusit sa ajunga "the fairy-less boy" in lumea lui Kokiri. Cant wait.
VG247 � Blog Archive � The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword screens show gameplay
Nintendo has released some screens for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, showing off a bit of gameplay.
The game will use Wii MotionPlus for sword play, and hopefully the new Remote Plus will be utilized as well.
So far, the date is still TBD, but it’s out in 2011 at least.
Enjoy the screens below, which are pulled from a previously shown demo and look eerily similar to some of the ones release during E3.
Mama, ce jocuri puneti si voi pe aici. De unde atatia bani, frate, pentru cate vreau sa-mi iau? Am vreo 7 in asteptare, si bani... doar pentru vreo doua. Incep sa pun deoparte deja de acum. Si astia, nu se mai satura de facut jocuri. O sa falimentez in curand in stilul asta, dar macar falimentez fericit! Asta e unul din titlurile care sigur o sa merite!
abia astept jocul asta...cred ca va fi super. ceva data de lansare nu se cunoaste inca asa-i?!
In sfarsit avem o data de lansare. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword va fi disponibil in Europa incepand cu 18 noiembrie.
70$, mi se pare f ok pretul, avand in vedere ca varianta normala e 50$. Iar la noi un remote e....240 lei (wtf?)
a aparut deja pe thehut
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Limited Edition Bundle Nintendo Wii | TheHut.com