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Thread: Clubul Wii U

  1. #1 SP

  2. #2 SP
    Member Mircea's Avatar
    Ce ma mananca sa-mi iau una cand apare

  3. #3 SP
    Member emanuel's Avatar
    nu e un pic cam devreme pentru deschiderea clubului ? mai e un an pana apare.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    si informatiile unde vrei sa le postam ? e un fel de thread:"wii u"

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    Un mic video din Nintendo booth de dupa E3

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member muggs's Avatar
    Hai sa vedem si niste impresii hands-on

    Wii U Preview - Wii U - Page 1 |

    Today's star, then, is the part of Wii U you can pick up. Good job it's absolutely sensational. The Wii U controller is Nintendo hardware design at its absolute best. It displays innovation, lateral thinking, supreme ergonomics and a finish that, while not luxurious, makes you happy the instant you pick it up.

    But as soon as you pick that controller up, you understand the genius of Nintendo's idea. It has understood that marrying the ubiquitous touch screen device with big-screen home entertainment is the future, and it's got there ahead of Apple. It's created a controller full of unique possibilities, but, unlike Wii, one that's entirely compatible with the gaming mainstream.
    E3 2011: Playing the Wii U - Wii News at IGN

    In short, Nintendo's gamble works. The controller is the best of both worlds, mixing traditional button inputs with the advantage of having an interface unlike anything we've seen from a home console.
    One of the more interesting alterations to conventional design is the system features two analog sliders at the top of the controller rather than traditional sticks. Don't make the mistake of thinking these sliders are like the 3DS "circle pad." The texture and top shape of the sliders are much more akin to Wii's nunchuk, meaning the grip and precision of movement are much better.
    The tablet itself appears large, but is actually quite comfortable to grip. The two sliders both being located at the top of the tablet make holding it considerably easier. A staggered configuration would only have worked with a much smaller design. Nintendo was also smart in making the new controller extremely light for its size, resulting in something that might look strange but is not as burdensome as it would seem.
    Nintendo played an interactive cinematic that put all my fears to rest. The difference in quality between that sequence and this was light years apart, making me wonder why I watched the hawk video in the first place.

    The second major tech demonstration featured live footage of Japan, with a camera moving down a crowded street, hovering above vehicles. Like the hawk demo, the tablet was also featuring the footage shown on the television. But as I moved the new controller, I was able to see more of the city around me, without altering what was being shown on the larger screen. I could move the tablet upward to see the sky, or downward to see the street moving under me. Even more impressive, I could start to rotate the controller or "aim" it behind me to see where I had been. Pressing a button would also flip the portable display behind me, allowing me to see backwards similar to a rearview mirror. The potential for racing games with this sort of technology is truly impressive.
    I played two Mii mini-games on the new console. In a word, they are both fantastic. In concept, execution, scope and entertainment, they are leaps and bounds beyond what you experienced on Wii.
    I wasn't able to control Link, but the battle between him and Gohma that I saw was breathtaking nonetheless. Between changing the lighting, camera controls and even the tablet's display, this (Zelda) demo above all the others proved how Nintendo franchises might benefit from increased power. This was gorgeous stuff.

  7. #7 SP
    Member Mircea's Avatar
    Legend of Zelda never looked better

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    si primele informatii despre pret: Nintendo: Wii U likely to cost more than $250 | GamersMint

    Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has revealed that the Wii U is “likely” cost more than �20,000 ($250/�150).
    Everything you need to know about the Nintendo Wii U - Phone Buyer's Guides - PC & Tech Authority

  9. #9 SP
    Member carcru's Avatar
    La, lansare sper să mi-l cumpăr pt că o să vreau să joc următorul Zelda care va ieşi pe Wii U

  10. #10 SP
    Member Mircea's Avatar
    N-ar fi mult vreo 300$, dar astea sunt vorbe inca, iar in Romania mai adaugam vreo 25%.

  11. #11 SP
    Member carcru's Avatar
    Dar, cine-l cumpără din Rom�nia ?

  12. #12 SP
    Member Mircea's Avatar
    Eu prefer din tara sa fie mai simplu cu garantia daca cumpar produsul nou, dar acesta este doar ,,piticul,, meu.

  13. #13 SP
    Member carcru's Avatar
    Ehm, la mine ar fi mai simplu, at�ta timp c�t am pe cineva �n Anglia prefer, să dau �179.99 şi să-l trimit p�nă �n Anglia la garanţie ..

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member Razvan's Avatar
    Interviu Reggie

  15. #15 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    imo nu asta este important, probabil ca nu au avut timp sa scoata ceva trailere in-game. cel mai important lucru este urmatorul: suportul studiourilor third-party, pe care Wii nu l-a avut mai deloc. exista timp destul sa vedem cum vor arata si pe Wii U si sunt ferm convins ca vor arata extraordinar , ati vazut noul zelda?

  17. #17 SP
    Member emanuel's Avatar
    daca il iau din afara, costa transportul. de ce sa ma complic cand pot sa il iau direct din magazin ? plus garantia

    Legat de pret - ce a zis Mircea - 250 $ inseamna 7,5 mil. - cat actualul wii. Ar fi absurd sa coste atat. Oricum, pretul suna bine, se pare ca nu o sa ne rupa la buzunare. Toata problema e sa fie o consola de calitate. Ca daca e ieftina...

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member muggs's Avatar
    Nu are cum sa coste sub 400 de dolari...iar legat de calitate hardware ca si durabilitate etc Nintedo mi se par cei mai ok.

  19. #19 SP
    Member emanuel's Avatar
    mda, din pacate cred ca asa e. Ar fi culmea ca o consola next gen sa fie mai ieftina decat ps3. Cat despre calitatea hardware, eu ma refeream mai ales la capitolul putere/grafica. ideea e, daca consola e prea ieftina, sa nu fie hardawareul preaslabut. Si wii era ieftin la lansare, dar... cu un cost destul de mare (grafica SD). Sper sa nu fie cazul si de data asta.

  20. #20 SP
    Senior Member tray's Avatar
    Maxim maxim o sa fie 500$ dar nu cred, ps3 a fost 600$ si SOny au declarat ca au gresit si sigur urmatoarea generatie (ps4) nu v-a mai costa asa mult

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