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Thread: Clubul Wii U

  1. #181 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Precomanda la WiiU in Romania
    Data Aparitiei: 20/07/2012 (dupa opinia respectivilor)

    Wii U Console

  2. #182 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    2000 RON?

    Ce fumeaza astia?

  3. #183 SP
    Member MihneaWii's Avatar
    2000 RON ? Din partea mea , sa mai astepte pana ajunge la pretu' de wii. As fi curios sa vad daca or sa vanda ceva la pretu' ala .

  4. #184 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar

  5. #185 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Mai e putin pana la E3 si sa vedem si noi cu ce se manaca pana la urma si WiiU asta.
    Ideea de stick-uri clasice e mai buna decat cea dezvaluita la E3-iul de anul trecut.

  6. #186 SP
    Junior Member BirauStefan's Avatar

    Detalii NOI Wii U (Iunie 4)

    Detalii Wii U de la pre-conferinta E3 de astazi :
    -Miiverse- Detalii :
    -WiiU Pro Controller- Detalii :
    -Nou look al tabletei-controller WiiU Gamepad- Detalii :


  7. #187 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  8. #188 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  9. #189 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    [ 00:34:59 ] (RonanN1) i will smash that lcd controller at my first alisa juggle, lol
    ma citez

  10. #190 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Acu am ajuns si eu acasa si repede sa vad conferinta Nintendo. Lanseaza domne astia o noua consola, la dracu si eu lipsesc !!!
    Neahhh, pai ei au lansat un controller, nu consola. Atata frasuneala cu controllerul ala ca mi s-a urat. Mi-au lasat impresia ca Nintendo se pregatesc sa lanseze o tableta si au incurcat locatiile. Nu era vorba de o consola, totusi?! Ca are NETFLIX, ca are hulu, ca are youtube... Serios, iti scoti in evidenta noua MARE consola ca are hulu si youtube. pfff, hai frate....
    Cica tipul, citez "amazon video? of course" da tata, adevaraciune, n-am mai auzit. Si moaca lui seioasa cand prezenta toate minunatiile astea, de care lumea nu a mai auzit, iti venea sa borasti. ma scuzati dar nu se mai poate cu abureala...
    Baa, are living room integrat. Esti nebun, adica uauuu, ooo, eee

    Sunt suparat pt. ca sunt obosit si ma asteptam, ca IN SFARSIT, sa aud specificatiile hardware si pretul consolei.

  11. #191 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    WiiU Gamepad:
    Battery life - About 3 hours to 5 hours
    Charging - About 2 hours and 30 minutes
    Nintendo E3 2012� | Wii U - Nintendo Japan

    Fans who have purchased libraries of old games will not lose their downloaded game titles when they decide to upgrade to the new system, a decision in line with how Apple�s iTunes store operates regarding digital downloads of game apps. Moffitt said that there will be a bit of restructuring of how their login IDs/accounts work with the Wii U; he told us, �You will have an individual account based system. Each member of your family might have their own account.�

    Each player will have saved gaming preferences, but it is unclear how Wii Virtual Console collections will be assigned to an account for ownership transfers on the Wii U eShop at this point. If this backwards compatibility continues through the next generation of systems, fans may never have to repurchase old games again. That may change if games are reintroduced in high definition (Wii, unlike its competitors, produced standard-definition video), but Nintendo has said nothing on that yet.
    Nintendo�s Wii U GamePad to Play Old Wii Games, Company Says at E3 - ABC News
    Attached Images Attached Images wiiu_white.jpg wiiu_black.jpg wiiu_gamepad_front_white.jpg wiiu_gamepad_back_white.jpg wiiu_gamepad_front_black.jpg wiiu_gamepad_back_black.jpg wiiu_pro_controllers_white_black.jpg

  12. #192 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Sincer eu nu prea ii mai inteleg. Nintendo pana acum insemna gaming pur si atat. Gameplay, fun, indiferent chiar si de grafica... Iar acum, parca incearca sa ne spuna ca a lor consola poate fi si o tableta. In loc de Netflix, Hulu, Youtub si alte alea ar fi trebuit sa prezinte jocuri, jocuri si iar jocuri! Dar, vom trai si vom vedea...

  13. #193 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    Compartimentul de sub dvd ce este? hdd sau altceva?

  14. #194 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Teo View Post
    Compartimentul de sub dvd ce este? hdd sau altceva?
    Probabil slotul pentru memory cards si eventual controllere cu fir

  15. #195 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar

    Batman AC si Assassin's Creed WiiU gameplay.

  16. #196 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    A aparut la precomanda pe Shopto la : � 279.85

    Nintendo Wii U Console Black - Nintendo WII U - ShopTo.Net

  17. #197 SP
    Senior Member tray's Avatar
    foarte tare, oricand un wii u cu 275 de lire decat vita cu 200

  18. #198 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eu sunt curios cat vor costa jocurile de Wii U. Daca in ziua de azi un joc de Wii pe un DVD normal e la fel de scump precum unul pe BluRay, oare cu cat mai scump va fi un joc de Wii U (care va veni pe un disk proprietar Nintendo, de pana la 25GB)?!?

    Oricum, ma bucur ca au ajuns si Nintendo la un hardware mai acceptabil. Din pacate, ceilalti deja se pregatesc de NextGen...

  19. #199 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    hahaha, genial

    Nu cred ca se merita Wii U la lansare.

  20. #200 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar

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