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Thread: Shovel Knight

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Shovel Knight

    Pe cat de haios suna numele, pe atat de old school e jocul asta: Shovel Knight - disponibil atat pe Wii U cat si pe 3DS (momentan doar US)!
    Shovel Knight is a sweeping classic action adventure game with awesome gameplay, memorable characters, and an 8-bit retro aesthetic. It's a hot mashup of new and old! You play as the eponymous Shovel Knight, a small knight with a huge quest. Shovel Knight has come to this land with two goals: to defeat the evil Enchantress and quest for his lost beloved. He wields a Shovel Blade: a multipurpose weapon whose techniques have now been lost to the ages. Always honest and helpful, Shovel Knight is a shining example of the code of Shovelry: Slash Mercilessly and Dig Tirelessly!
    Attached Images Attached Images shovel_knight.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Incredibil jocul, pacat ca nu s-a lansat inca in Europa si nici macar nu are release date... .

  3. #3 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    To celebrate yesterday's release of Yacht Club Games' Shovel Knight, composer Jake Kaufman has made the game's soundtrack available on his Bandcamp page. The album, which includes a few guest tracks by original Mega Man composer Manami Matsumae, has a "name your price" label, meaning you could download it for free or choose to donate a couple bucks Kaufman's way.

  4. #4 SP
    Member Zadawn's Avatar
    In legatura cu lansarea in Europa :

    So where are we at with these regions? There haven’t been any new developments since our previous updates. Our rating process is mostly all the way through (which is a big step, to be sure!) but localization is in progress and it must be done before we can release. The game is already capable of supporting and swapping languages, but Shovel Knight’s text itself is currently being translated to more languages.

    To improve clarity, brevity, and flavor we were constantly tuning Shovel Knight’s English dialogue and menu text. Because of that we were not able to get this ball rolling sooner. Once localized and tested, we need to send it off for final approval and certification. Since all of these steps require us working with external teams, we cannot yet provide a release date for these regions. This is not due to lack of effort but instead due to lack of certainty! Just know that these releases will take more than a few days time but less than many months time. We also apologize that this discrepancy in release dates is even a part of this project! Fixing this is our top priority.

  5. #5 SP
    Junior Member Proba[BTL]'s Avatar
    Ceva noutati legate de lansarea din EU ?

  6. #6 SP
    Member Bodolay Botond's Avatar
    Nimic. Liniște și pace.
    Între timp a apărut un patch la un bug în joc pe Wii U, urmează "pansamentul" pentru 3DS.
    Europa așteaptă.

  7. #7 SP
    Member n0madgamer's Avatar
    Shovel Knight a fost lansat ieri dupa Nintendo Direct cu tot cu un make-over in eShop.
    Attached Images Attached Images bzvd2sf.png

  8. #8 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    NI AICI!
    Rash, Zitz and Pimple, better known as the Battletoads, are coming to the Xbox One version of action-platformer Shovel Knight, Microsoft revealed in an ID@Xbox announcement video at GDC.
    haaaaaaaa! <3 bineeeeee!

    *rog un moderator sa mute topicul la CONSOLE CLUB ca sa nu mai fac topic separat pe aria XBOX ONE :/ + ca jocul ii multi paltform deja

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