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Thread: Clubul Nintendo Switch

  1. #861 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Fiscal Year Ending March 2021: Corporate Management Policy Briefing (.pdf).
    Attached Images Attached Images wojx1z.png e1igkq.png 6ttqo1.png

  2. #862 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Maine 17 Sept e un Direct Mini cu 3rd party developers. Poate spun ceva de Silksong...

  3. #863 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Nintendo Direct mini: Partner Showcase September 2020:

  4. #864 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    A brand-new Kirby game is available NOW! Choose from a cast of Kirby’s most iconic copy abilities and duke it out to be the last Kirby standing in Kirby Fighters 2!

  5. #865 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nintendo Life
    The latest rumour comes from Economic Daily News and suggests that an upgraded version of Nintendo's all-conquering hybrid console could come with a Mini-LED display courtesy of Taiwanese panel manufacturer Innolux Corporation.

    The report suggests that Nintendo has recently visited Innolux, with the insinuation that it may be parting company with its current screen suppliers Sharp and JDI and using Mini-LED display technology from Innolux in an upgraded Switch rumoured to arrive next year.

    For anyone unfamiliar with Mini-LED technology, no, this doesn't mean that a new Switch will incorporate some tiny little screen into an upgraded Joy-Con or anything zany like that (so you can stop imagining a VMU revival like we were for a hot minute!). Rather, the main screen on the new console would use Mini-LED technology as opposed to the backlit 720p LCD screen in the current models.

    Still not sure what Mini-LED is? Well, it's probably best described as a 'hybrid' of current backlit LCD screens with OLED-style local illumination. Each pixel in an OLED screen emits its own light and can be turned on or off individually, whereas LCD screens rely on illumination from backlights which can result in light spill and dark areas of the screen that appear 'grey' rather than black (think about how the illuminated 'black' screen looks on your Switch when you first turn it on).

    Contrary to traditional LCD backlights, Mini-LED screens provide a much more local field of backlighting to illuminate the pixels on the screen more precisely, improving screen contrast and, potentially, battery life (there's less 'waste' or light spill as light is only delivered to pixels that need it).
    Rumour: 'Switch Pro' Could Feature A Mini-LED Display, According To A New Report - Nintendo Life

  6. #866 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase | October 2020:

  7. #867 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar

    Serious Sam collection 17 noiembrie

    Serious Sam Collection includes all content from Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter and Serious Sam 3: BFE, including The Legend of the Beast and Jewel of the Nile expansions.

  8. #868 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Nintendo Switch Update:

    Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite owners can now enjoy a variety of useful new system features included in the latest system update*. Take a look below to see what’s been added!

    Easily access your Nintendo Switch Online info
    There’s a new ‘Nintendo Switch Online’ icon on your HOME Menu! In this new application you can access all of the features of Nintendo Switch Online, not to mention the latest information and details about your membership. You can even launch featured software directly from this menu if you already have the software installed on your console.

    Automatically download save data on another console
    If you enjoy playing the same games across more than one Nintendo Switch console, you can now enable automatic downloads on multiple consoles as part of Save Data Cloud**. Doing so means your save data will download automatically to your other console, so you can jump from one console to another and still pick up your game from where you left off.

    Send screenshots and videos directly to your smart device or PC
    Screenshots and videos of your favourite gaming moments can now be sent wirelessly to your smart device via your Nintendo Switch console. You can also connect your Nintendo Switch console to a PC or laptop using a USB cable to copy your screenshots and videos over to it.

    Prioritise your downloads
    If you’re downloading multiple games, demos, downloadable content or software updates at once, you can now choose which software you'd like the console to download first. It’s useful if there's a game you want to jump into as soon as possible while you wait for your other downloads to finish.

    Show off your favourite Super Mario games with new user icons!
    In recognition of the Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary, a variety of Mario looks are now available for your user icon.

    And that’s not all! There’s also the option to name your saved button mapping presets and you can also see what games are popular amongst your friends by checking out the “Trending with Friends” section of your user page.

    The latest Nintendo Switch system update that includes all these features is available to download now! If you’re not sure how to update your Nintendo Switch console, please visit our Support section for a step-by-step guide.

  9. #869 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Prezentate in cadrul The Game Awards 2020:
    Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Switch:

    Sea of Solitude: The Director’s Cut – Nintendo Switch™ Announcement Trailer:

    Sephiroth in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate:

    Capcom Arcade Stadium – Announcement Trailer:

  10. #870 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Indie World Showcase 15.12.2020 – Nintendo Switch

    ---------- Post added 15-12-2020 at 11:38 ----------

    NES & Super NES - December Game Updates - Nintendo Switch Online

    Pe 18 decembrie vor fi adăgate următoarele jocuri:

    Super NES:
    Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble!
    The Ignition Factor
    Super Valis IV
    Tuff E Nuff

    NES Nightshade

  11. #871 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar

  12. #872 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    A început Nintendo eShop sale:

    The Festive Offers 2020 Sale on Nintendo eShop has something for everyone this holiday season with discounts of up to 75% on over 900 Nintendo Switch games until December 31st, 2020!
    Attached Images Attached Images

  13. #873 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Indie World: Best-Selling Indie Games of 2020 on Nintendo Switch

  14. #874 SP
    Junior Member faststrike's Avatar
    Salutare. Imi puteti recomanda un baiat serios, sau un service pentru nintendo-ul meu switch lite? Cred ca trebuie o inlocuire a analogului stanga, face figuri uneori in jocuri, spre exemplu in skyrim cand tin analogul in sus sa mearga inainte caracterul se opreste random ca si cand as fi luat degetul de pe analog, desi acesta este in continuare apasat. Multumesc!

  15. #875 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Nintendo buying Luigi's Mansion 3 developer Next Level Games

    Next Level Games, the talented Canadian developer behind Luigi's Mansion 3, will become a fully-owned subsidiary of Nintendo.

    Nintendo announced an agreement to purchase the developer this morning, pending shareholder and regulatory approval.

    The Vancouver-based studio has long been an ally of Nintendo's. It developed the well-received Mario football spin-off Super Mario Strikers and its sequel for Wii, as well as the Wii iteration of Punch-Out!!

  16. #876 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    A dataminer claims to have found new evidence that supports the Nintendo Switch Pro's existence, and that it will come with an upgraded OLED screen.

    According to SciresM, the new model will contain a Mariko (Tegra X1+) SoC, the very same chip found in the 2019 Nintendo Switch model and Lite version of the console. The dataminer has speculated that while this is the same chip, it will be enhanced to push further capabilities. Additionally, they also noted support for a Realtek chip, which supports “4K UHD multimedia SoC”, but mentions the chip may be instilled into the dock, rather than the console itself.

    Mai speculeaza si ca noua revizie va avea display OLED si o durata de viata a bateriei imbunatatita. Chiar ar fi interesant un Switch Pro in care difera doar doc-ul, astfel incat sa poti face upgrade fara sa cumperi toata consola.

  17. #877 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Vedem in 2 zile daca e adevarat sau nu. Deja sunt 3 surse care spun acelasi lucru.

  18. #878 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Eu mi-as fi dorit si un upgrade considerabil de hardware la o varianta Pro. Atat de rar folosesc Switch-ul in mod docked incat acest posibil Pro ma face sa zic pas.

  19. #879 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    This special edition Nintendo Switch console*, which includes a carrying case in matching red and blue colours, arrives in stores on February 12th – the same day as Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury!
    Attached Images Attached Images ci_nswitch_marioredandblueedition_03.jpg ci_nswitch_marioredandblueedition_01.jpg erjhi1yxyaeg-oc.jpg erjhjdqxuaavuc7.jpg

  20. #880 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar

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