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Thread: Sifu

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar


    Dezvoltat de Sloclap.
    Featuring the gripping intensity of classic Kung Fu films with realistic and raw combat, Sifu tells the story of a young Kung Fu student who has spent their life training for a day of reckoning after the brutal murder of their entire family by a mysterious assassination squad. Hunt down the murderers one by one as you explore gang-ridden suburbs, hidden corners deep within the city, all the way to the cold hallways of corporate towers. Adaptation and careful positioning are the key to your survival and you must use everything at your disposal to succeed in your life’s mission.

    Sifu‘s unique gameplay sits in the crossroads of two established and popular genres, mashing the intensity and timeless thrill of beat em ups with the gripping design of 3D character action games. Set against a detailed backdrop of a fictional Chinese city, you will uncover an ancient mystery via a series of difficult confrontations that will test your skills to their limit. To overcome the odds that are heavily stacked against you, you’ll need to rely on your mastery of Kung Fu, and on a magical pendant that will revive you after death. The cost of magic is dear, however, and you will age significantly every time you come back to life: time is the price you will pay for your revenge.

    Exquisitely hand-drawn art styles and the muted color palette lend themselves to Kung Fu film classics where themes of revenge and redemption are timeless tales, all perfectly blending with Sloclap’s martial arts gameplay expertise, to create a truly unique singleplayer Kung Fu game.

    Kung Fu is a path for the body and the mind. Learn from your errors, unlock unique skills, and find the strength within yourself to master the devastating techniques of Pak-Mei Kung-Fu. Your family’s legacy depends on it.
    Sifu Game Official
    Reveal trailer:

    Gameplay trailer:

    PS4, PS5, PC (EGS).
    Coming soon, 2021.
    Attached Images Attached Images 750aed_25385495528746be8aa88ce61f91be76-mv2.jpg 81f4c9_c7cb8f9cca214c1c86a821b85a729471-mv2.jpg 81f4c9_f56beca21c574f17957dcfc8d3ff37a9-mv2.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Amanat pentru early 2022.
    Fight Club gameplay teaser:

  3. #3 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Se lanseaza pe 22 februarie 2022:

  4. #4 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Imi place maxim ca aduce a Sleeping Dogs/Batman in combat
    Il astept cu interes

  5. #5 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Lansare mai devreme pe 8 februarie 2022:

  6. #6 SP
    Member lucicleric's Avatar
    Le tataie un pic fundu din cauza lui Elden ring si probabil Horizon?)

  7. #7 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu cred ca are vreo treaba. Sunt jocuri complet diferite si destinate unui alt public. Poate chiar au avansat cu dezvoltarea.

  8. #8 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Foarte multe previews. Jocul promite, desi mi se pare un super minus ca nu te poti bate decat cu cate un inamic odata. Adica ok, dai lock pe altu, il pocnesti si apoi te intorci la primu, dar nu poti da gen cu pumnii sau picioarele in ambele parti, iar inamicii par sa atace destul de pe rand.

  9. #9 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Va avea si physical release, spring 2022:

  10. #10 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Live Action Short Film

  11. #11 SP
    Member IsNotMe's Avatar

    Aceeasi practica ca la Kena ! Jocul se lanseaza doar digital pe 8 luna asta, iar physical in mai ! Gj ! Ca sa nu le mai revanda lumea asa repede .

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Da, e o conspirație...

  13. #13 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    - xx - PS4
    - 81 - PS5
    - 76 - PC
    - 81
    Recenzii video:



    Skill Up:


    Push Square:

  14. #14 SP
    Member Phi's Avatar
    Mai faci si alte chestii aici sau doar mergi la un restaurant, te bati la intrare, te bati inauntru, te bati la iesire?

  15. #15 SP
    Member IsNotMe's Avatar
    Un early access "reusit" !
    "We are aware of the issue on PS - We are doing everything we can to fix it asap
    Hi guys!

    I know it's very frustrating for everyone who wanted to be playing Sifu right now instead of waiting for news on the availability of the game. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

    Right now the whole team is up trying to fix this, we're communicating with PlayStation to try and understand the issue and we will update you as soon as we know more."
    Attached Images Attached Images fk7hjeix0airixp.jpg

  16. #16 SP
    Member Cristache07's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IsNotMe View Post
    Aceeasi practica ca la Kena ! Jocul se lanseaza doar digital pe 8 luna asta, iar physical in mai ! Gj ! Ca sa nu le mai revanda lumea asa repede .
    De parca astia se gandesc la romanasii nostri care cumpara si ei 50 de copii ale jocului in toata tara si pe urma le revand.... Nu, n-are treaba.

  17. #17 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Jocul este doar timed exclusive si va ajunge si pe Xbox
    Attached Images Attached Images screenshot-2022-02-07-14.15.00.png

  18. #18 SP
    Member ATX-MG's Avatar
    Exista posibilitatea sa aducem Vengeance Edition. V-ar interesa?

  19. #19 SP
    Member Phi's Avatar
    Am dat si eu o pre-comanda la el pe ozone dupa ce am vazut ca baietii de pe reddit, in mare parte, sunt toti incantati de joc.

    Oricat mi-ar place sa sustin economia romaneasca, nu pot sustine practica asta cu plata transport (pana si la CE de 1000 de lei) plus taxa 5 lei in caz ca vrei sa platesti cu bani pesin care se regaseste la magazinele autohtone.

    Daca se poate trimite din Bulgaria pe moka, iar din Romania nu se poate, o sa cumpar cand am ocazia de la vecini.

  20. #20 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Launch Trailer

    Cum vi se pare? Il joaca cineva?

    Mie mi se pare greu, dar nu intr-un mod bun/challenging, ci intr-un mod frustrant. Nu raspunde la comenzi asa cum ar trebui, nu exista un buton pt strafe/dodge cu usurinta si desi te bati cu peste 3-4 inamici odata in mod constant, cumva schema de control e asemanatoare cu ceva gen jocurile de box sau alte jocuri de genu ala, in care te bati cu un singur inamic odata.

    Astfel ca o combinatie de LB + maneta din stanga te ferestre sus jos, sau RT + maneta din stanga iti face un mic dodge (il joc pe PC cu gamepad de Xbox), dar trebuie apasat super la limita si nu ia mereu comanda corect. Si daca mai pui in calcul faptul ca te ataca, constant, 2-3-4 inamici odata, atunci e cam inutil acel block/dodge pentru o directie.
    Asa ca overall, mi se pare foarte frustrant, in loc sa fie ceva placut.

    Poate in timp ma voi obisnui cu schema de control, dar momentan, dupa vreo 2h de joc, timp in care abea am reusit sa trec de prima zona, pot spune ca inca nu este cazul.

    Also, se pare ca e facut sa-l joci si re-re-re-re-re-joci, pentru ca daca mori de prea multe ori, imbatranesti si odata ajuns la 75 de ani, e game over, asa ca vei fi nevoit sa o iei de la 0.
    Daca ajungi la nivelul 2 la 75 de ani (asa cum am facut eu) atunci mori instant si poti ori sa continui cu 2 dar fara viata, ori sa o iei de la 0 si sa speri ca poti termina nivelurile fara sa mori prea mult.

    Sleeping Dogs mi s-a parut mult mai bun pe partea asta si un sistem de combat asemanator ar fi facut minuni aici si l-as fi jucat de placere - eu de fapt asa-mi si imaginam ca va fi.

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