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Thread: Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered

  1. #21 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Un video fara compresia aia obosita exista?

  2. #22 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Incearca aici si aici - astea sunt generate per user se pare, deci incearca ce am postat mai jos.
    Daca nu merge asa incearca aici si aici.

  3. #23 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Vreau acel gameplay, asta vad ca are un min si un pic, cred ca acel gameplay are peste 5 minute.

    LE: Mda, ultimul link nu se vede pe Tapatalk

  4. #24 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

  5. #25 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Jocul care mi-a plăcut cel mai mult de la E3, sper sa nu dezamăgească

    ---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 04:35 ----------

    E clar, jocul nu are cum sa dezamăgească
    The studio brought on developers from Bethesda (the lead writer for Horizon worked on Fallout: New Vegas, for instance) and CD Projekt Red (the studio behind the massive fantasy RPG series, The Witcher).

  6. #26 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Bravo !
    Attached Images Attached Images nl5f5ls.jpg

  7. #27 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Daca vrei sa aflati mai multe informatii despre joc GG ne invita pe canalul lor de twitch unde ne vor vorbi despre joc astazi la ora 19:00 can't wait !

    Tune into Guerrilla Live tomorrow at 9am PDT / noon EDT / 5pm BST for in-depth looks at Horizon Zero Dawn & RIGS:MCL!

    Link catre eveniment ->

    ---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 11:01 ----------

    Am mai gasit o informatie despre engine-ul jocului: Horizon: Zero Dawn is 1080p/30fps, runs on modified version of Killzone: Shadow Fall engine - Horizon: Zero Dawn
    "It is actually still the same engine but then [there is] an enormous leap from Shadow Fall to this," art director Jan-Bart van Beek told at E3 earlier today. "The Shadow Fall engine isn't an open-world streaming world engine so for the last two years a lot of technological effort has gone into actually being able to make it work like this."

  8. #28 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    Exact ce ma asteptam de la Guerilla, circula un zvon de third person RPG, dar open world action RPG is even better!
    Arata exceptional la E3 dar am pretentii mari de la ei sa livreze un joc final care sa bata Witcher-ul la grafica

  9. #29 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pana la urma jocul este exclusiv PS4, nu ? S-a anuntat vreo data de aparitie ? Macar un an ?

  10. #30 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Normal ca e exclusiv, e facut de Guerilla Games. Data de lansare e 2016, e trecuta in toate trailerele.

  11. #31 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    cateva inforamtii despre streamul de la ora 7:

    Sorry if this is redundant. We are excited to have finally shown both our in development titles at E3 this year, so we are doing a live stream on twitch: Twitch tonight at 1800 CEST/1700 BST/ 0900 Pacific/1200 Eastern /0100 Tokyo
    We'll be answering some questions from the Twitch chat and Twitter (Use #AskGuerrilla). Obviously these are early days so expect a lot of your burning, detailed questions to be answered later. There will be a trailer breakdown with Producer Mark Norris, an Interview with Senior Gameplay Designer (and our Robot expert) Dennis Zopfi, another interview with RIGS Senior Level Designer, Sam Dickinson, among other bits and bobs.

    We'll also be giving away some Horizon Zero Dawn and RIGS Mechanized Combat League prizes in a raffle. If you can pop by, we'd love to see you! Regardless, have a good day and remain the awesome community you are.

  12. #32 SP
    Member flames95's Avatar
    Din ce am mai citit vor sa il lanseze in 2016 ,acum ramane de vazut daca vor reusi !
    PS :lucreaza de 4,5 ani la el trebuie sa fie un open world bun...

  13. #33 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Enthroll View Post
    Exact ce ma asteptam de la Guerilla, circula un zvon de third person RPG, dar open world action RPG is even better!
    Arata exceptional la E3 dar am pretentii mari de la ei sa livreze un joc final care sa bata Witcher-ul la grafica
    Nu e zvon, a spus si Yoshida ca e open world, RPG. Nu mai spun ca echipa e formată din câțiva oameni de la CD Project Red plus un tip care a scris scenariul pt Fallout NV. Jocul asta o sa fie... Sper să-l văd anul viitor in toamna-iarnă

  14. #34 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Looks like Guerilla Games is sticking to their guns and throwing you into Horizon: Zero Dawn to fight guerilla-style. Most games come with some sort of starter tutorial to ensure that you won’t get torn to pieces within the first five minutes of the game. Guerilla doesn’t seem to believe in that, and they’re encouraging the players to figure out how to defeat the robos themselves.

  15. #35 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    2 imagini noi lansate de GG
    Attached Images Attached Images pptquql-imgur.jpg evz1c4c-imgur.jpg

  16. #36 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    Trailer nou

  17. #37 SP
    Member kkkotto07's Avatar
    Jocul ca jocul insa melodia aia nu imi iese din cap, o ascult acasa, in masina, am pus-o ringtone, nu am rabdare pana apare intreaga

  18. #38 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    noi detalii despre joc

    sursa: Horizon's combat, world and RPG systems explained by Guerrilla | GamesRadar

  19. #39 SP
    Member flames95's Avatar

  20. #40 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    David Evans, European licensing manager at SCEE, claims the game presents "an incredible licensing opportunity" and has all the factors in place to be a hit brand in 2016.

    "The epic feel of the game, its breathtaking visuals, strong character development, imaginative combat sequences and the marketing weight of the PS4 release all combine to make this a hot property for 2016," said Evans.

    "Guerilla Games have created a lush post-apocalyptic world that players simply won’t want to leave and licensed merchandise offers consumers a way to extend that extraordinary experience into their everyday lives.”!

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