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Thread: Forza Horizon 5

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Forza Horizon 5

    Announce trailer:

    Mexico setting.
    XONE, XS, PC (Steam, Windows).
    9 noiembrie.
    Day one in Game Pass.
    Gameplay demo:
    Attached Images Attached Images forzahorizon5-11-16x9_wm_mercedes-amgprojectone.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Well, ****, iar tre sa-mi iau xBox. Abia aștept!

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    ^ Fix asta am gandit si eu

  4. #4 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Bai da Asa trebuie sa arate un joc current gen

    Sa vedem daca va arata la fel si pe One si cum va merge. Tare-mi e ca lumina, partea de iluminare overall, e facuta cu RT.

    ---------- Post added 14-06-2021 at 17:30 ----------

    Forza Horizon 5 targets 4K 30 FPS on Xbox Series X, optional 60 FPS mode
    Forza Horizon 5 runs at 4K 30 FPS on Xbox Series X, and 1080p 30 FPS on Xbox Series S. For players that prefer to optimize for framerate, we are providing a performance mode option that will run at 60 FPS.

  5. #5 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IGN
    - “Right from the very beginning of development, we knew that we wanted to make the biggest Horizon ever,”

    - But Mexico really stands out because it’s one of those countries that almost feels like it’s the whole world in one country. You’ve got snowy mountains, incredible beaches, historic cities, beautiful jungles, rolling hills, farm land, incredible mountain ranges. It just has this incredible natural diversity to it. And then you add on the fact that it’s got this culture that is known and loved all around the world. It’s got the music, the artwork; the people are just loved worldwide.

    - Mexico, being a country that has huge elevation changes and obviously quite a large country, has different seasonality in different regions, which we’ve tried to recreate as accurately as possible.”

    - Forza Horizon 5’s Mexico will support different weather conditions across different parts of the map.

    - “It creates great scenarios where you can have snow on top of the volcano and you can go up there and you can even get blizzards up there, while at the exact same time down on the coast it can be blazing hot,” says Brown. “It’s still four seasons – you’ll still see that seasonality change – but it affects the different biomes in different ways. You get dust storms in the dry season, you get tropical storms in storm season, which is autumn. So there’s these big, massive weather events that can occur as well based on which season you’re in. Both of those are just really dynamic; they have a really great impact on the driving experience.”

    - Attributing the strength of these effects to the power afforded by the Xbox Series X│S, Brown stresses that they’re able to do so much “in both cases with volumetric lighting, loads of great VFX systems, and loads of debris and stuff flying around.”

    - “I think 10 years ago a sandstorm would just be an orange filter on the screen,” says Brown. “But now it’s a genuine, in-world 3D effect that the light can properly play through; that you can see little bits of scenery popping in and out as that 3D dust moves through the scene.”

    - “Similarly for the tropical storm, there’s just so much atmosphere and mist in the scene. It just creates a really visceral experience.”

    - “Diversity of cars, diversity of gameplay, diversity of driving experiences; it’s a world full of things to see and do,” says Brown, insisting that Forza Horizon 5 is set to be “the most fun and accessible and inclusive Horizon ever.”

    - There’s a challenge system that rewards you as you explore, and there’s different things to find… but also there’s a campaign that really reinforces that as well, so as you’re exploring, you’ll be progressing your campaign as well.”

    - The Eliminator will be a part of Forza Horizon 5 from the get-go, as will Super 7 – although the latter has been superceded somewhat by the brand-new Events Lab, which Brown describes as an “incredible new toolset that allows you to create your own races, game modes, and gameplay experiences.” “You customise everything, right down to the fundamental rules of the game,” says Brown.

    - Brown explains the Super 7 challenge creator now sits inside the broader Events Lab toolset, “but generally speaking, we wanted to make sure that as we were adding features to Forza Horizon 4, that we were thinking about how they might come into Forza Horizon 5.”
    In-Depth with Forza Horizon 5: ‘The Largest, Most Diverse Horizon Ever’ - IGN
    Forza Horizon 5: Let’s ¡Go!:
    Attached Images Attached Images forzahorizon5-09-16x9-wm-buggymeetup-1623603050925.jpg forzahorizon5-10-16x9-wm-chromedetails-1623603113678.jpg forzahorizon5-07-16x9-wm-offroadsand-1623603085717.jpg

  6. #6 SP
    Member gabridinu's Avatar
    Super grafica. Cred ca singurul joc cu adevarat next gen.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    The Official E3 2021 Awards Show winners were selected from all the games showcased during the four-day live E3 2021 broadcast that began on Saturday, June 12. Editors from IGN, GameSpot, PC Gamer, GamesRadar+, Game Bonfire and IGN China participated in the voting with results announced live during the show.

    Overall Most Anticipated: Forza Horizon 5, Xbox Game Studios

    Best presentation: Microsoft: Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase
    Official E3 2021 Awards Show Names Forza Horizon 5 as Most Anticipated Game of E3 - Electronic Entertainment Experience
    Attached Images Attached Images e3_awards_postbanner1.jpg

  8. #8 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    First Look + New Cross-Gen and Performance Mode Details:

    Cum va fi jocul:

    Series S:
    - Quality mode - 1080p/30fps
    - Performance mode - DRS 1080p/60fps - variable draw distances, levels of detail (LOD) scaled back

    - Quality mode - 4K/30fps
    - Performance mode - DRS 4K/60fps - variable draw distances, levels of detail (LOD) scaled back

    Versiunile de PC, Xbox One, de asemenea vor folosi DRS, variable draw distances si levels of detail (LOD) scaled back cand e cazul.

    Articolul: How Forza Horizon 5 scales across the console generations •

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    E ok, daca in performance mode umbla doar la draw disance si la LOD si lasa umbrele si iluminarea pe masini in pace, ar trebui sa fie ok.

    Nu prea ai timp cand conduci sa te uiti atent la LOD si la ce se randeaza in spate, pentru mine important e sa arate superb masina si ce este in imediata apropiere.

  10. #10 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    In-Game Car Audio Preview:

  11. #11 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox Wire
    The Playground Games team has broken down Forza Horizon 5’s Mexico into 11 distinct and unique biomes, each of which was painstakingly researched and recreated by the team.

    Seasons will also be returning to Forza Horizon 5, adding a new layer of diversity and complexity to the experience than previous Forza Horizon games.

    What’s more, each of the 11 unique biomes will transition though the seasons differently. As an example, spring means the rainy season in the jungles and farmland of Mexico, while summer could bring intense tropical thunderstorms along the coasts.

    But what about the biomes themselves? Spread out over a map that’s about one-and-a-half times the size of Forza Horizon 4’s, the 11 biomes represent the most diverse map a Forza Horizon game has ever delivered.

    Tropical Coast
    Arid Hills
    Living Desert
    Rocky Coast
    Sand Desert
    Urban City of Guanajuato
    From a Living Desert to a Volcano’s Peak: Exploring Forza Horizon 5’s Biomes and Seasons - Xbox Wire
    Attached Images Attached Images fh5_biome-canyon-01-16x9_wm.jpg fh5_biome-tropical_coast-02-16x9_wm.jpg fh5_biome-farmland-01-16x9_wm.jpg fh5_biome-arid_hills-02-16x9_wm.jpg fh5_biome-jungle-03-16x9_wm.jpg fh5_biome-living_desert-02-16x9_wm.jpg fh5_biome-rocky_coast-03-16x9_wm.jpg fh5_biome-sand_desert-01-16x9_wm.jpg fh5_biome-swamp-02-16x9_wm.jpg fh5_biome-urban-03-16x9_wm.jpg fh5_biome-volcano-01-16x9_wm.jpg

  12. #12 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    14 Minutes of Xbox Series X Direct Feed Gameplay:

  13. #13 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Official Cover Cars Reveal Trailer:

    Official Initial Drive Trailer:
    Attached Images Attached Images forza_gamescom_inline4.jpg forza_gamescom_inline1.jpg

  14. #14 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Au anuntat ceva data pentru demo? Ca am vazut ca au arata demo-ul (acel intro, asa cum au facut cu toate jocurile recente), dar nu am vazut niciun anunt de demo.

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Tot jocul arata superb insa partea cu jungla/flamingo mi s-a parut fenomenala... iar Mexic mi se pare o alegere buna ca si locatie.

  16. #16 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Au anuntat ceva data pentru demo? Ca am vazut ca au arata demo-ul (acel intro, asa cum au facut cu toate jocurile recente), dar nu am vazut niciun anunt de demo.
    Nu au anuntat nimic legat de demo.

  17. #17 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Jocul nu va avea demo si alte detalii:
    Q: Will there be a demo for Forza Horizon 5?
    A: We will not be releasing a demo for Forza Horizon 5.
    Forza Horizon 5 Announce FAQ – Forza Support

  18. #18 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ce decizie ciudata. Cred ca a vandut multe exemplare, demo-ul jocului in trecut.

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member cosminbad's Avatar
    Pai oricum jocul va fi inclus in Game Pass, care e 1 lira/euro/etc in prima luna. Tot un fel de demo dar cu mai multe jocuri complete.

  20. #20 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Cred ca stie toata lumea ce-i ala gamepass. Ideea era ca demo iesea inaintea jocului si sunt multi care nu au/nu vor sa-si faca abonament gamepass, asa ca-l cumparau daca le placea.

    O stupizenie sa incetezi sa scoti demo, cand era unu din putinele jocuri care veneau cu demo.

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