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Thread: Steam Deck

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Lightbulb Steam Deck

    Quote Originally Posted by Valve
    All-in-one portable PC gaming
    Steam Deck brings the Steam games and features you love to a powerful and convenient form factor that you can take wherever you go.

    Portability meets power
    We partnered with AMD to create Steam Deck's custom APU, optimized for handheld gaming. It is a Zen 2 + RDNA 2 powerhouse, delivering more than enough performance to run the latest AAA games in a very efficient power envelope.

    Your Steam Library, anywhere
    Once you've logged into Steam Deck, your entire Steam Library shows up, just like any other PC. You'll be able to find your collections and favorites - exactly where you left them.

    Control with comfort
    The Steam Deck was built for extended play sessions—whether you're using thumbsticks or trackpads—with full-size controls positioned perfectly within your reach. The rear of the device is sculpted to comfortably fit a wide range of hand sizes.

    There's a dock, too.
    The official dock props up your Steam Deck while connecting to external displays, wired networking, USB peripherals, and power. You can also use a powered USB-C hub, if you've got one lying around.

    The official dock will be sold separately. More information coming soon.
    Steam Deck

    - 64GB eMMC
    - Carrying case

    - 256GB NVMe SSD
    - Carrying case
    - Exclusive Steam Community profile bundle

    - 512GB NVMe SSD
    - Premium anti-glare etched glass
    - Exclusive carrying case
    - Exclusive Steam Community profile bundle
    - Exclusive virtual keyboard theme

    Rezervari din 16 iulie, ora 20:00.
    Decembrie 2021.

    First Hands-On With Valve’s Handheld Gaming PC:

    Steam Deck FAQ: 31 Big Questions Answered:

    Tech Specs

    Speeds and Feeds

    - AMD APU
    - CPU: Zen 2 4c/8t, 2.4-3.5GHz (up to 448 GFlops FP32)
    - GPU: 8 RDNA 2 CUs, 1.0-1.6GHz (up to 1.6 TFlops FP32)
    - APU power: 4-15W
    - 16 GB LPDDR5 RAM (5500 MT/s)
    - 64 GB eMMC (PCIe Gen 2 x1)
    - 256 GB NVMe SSD (PCIe Gen 3 x4)
    - 512 GB high-speed NVMe SSD (PCIe Gen 3 x4)
    - All models include high-speed microSD card slot

    Controls and Input
    Gamepad controls
    - A B X Y buttons
    - D-pad
    - L & R analog triggers
    - L & R bumpers
    - View & Menu buttons
    - 4 x assignable grip buttons
    Thumbsticks - 2 x full-size analog sticks with capacitive touch
    Haptics - HD haptics
    - 2 x 32.5mm square trackpads with haptic feedback
    - 55% better latency compared to Steam Controller
    - Pressure-sensitivity for configurable click strength
    Gyro - 6-Axis IMU

    Resolution - 1280 x 800px (16:10 aspect ratio)
    Type - Optically bonded LCD for enhanced readability
    Display size - 7" diagonal
    Brightness - 400 nits typical
    Refresh rate - 60Hz
    Touch enabled - Yes
    Sensors - Ambient light sensor

    Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.0 (support for controllers, accessories and audio)
    Wi-Fi - Dual-band Wi-Fi radio, 2.4GHz and 5GHz, 2 x 2 MIMO, IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac

    Channels - Stereo with embedded DSP for an immersive listening experience
    Microphones - Dual microphone array
    Headphone / mic jack - 3.5mm stereo headphone / headset jack
    Digital - Multichannel audio via DisplayPort over USB-C, standard USB-C, or Bluetooth 5.0

    Input - 45W USB Type-C PD3.0 power supply
    Battery - 40Whr battery. 2 - 8 hours of gameplay

    - microSD
    - UHS-I supports SD, SDXC and SDHC
    External connectivity for controllers & displays - USB-C with DisplayPort 1.4 Alt-mode support; up to 8K @60Hz or 4K @120Hz, USB 3.2 Gen 2

    Size and Weight
    Size - 298mm x 117mm x 49mm
    Weight - Approx. 669 grams

    Operating System - SteamOS 3.0 (Arch-based)
    Desktop - KDE Plasma

    Official Dock
    Sold seperately. Specifications subject to change.

    - 1 x USB-A 3.1 Port
    - 2 x USB-A 2.0 Ports
    Networking - Ethernet
    External displays
    - DisplayPort 1.4
    - HDMI 2.0

    Input - USB-C Power Delivery passthrough input
    Deck connection - 6" USB-C captive cable with low profile 90° connector

    Size and Weight
    Size - 117mm x 29mm x 50.5mm
    Weight - Approx. 120 grams
    Steam Deck
    Attached Images Attached Images steam_deck_1920x1066.jpg steam_deck_overview-shared-library-english.jpg steam_deck_hardware-touchscreen.jpg steam_deck_hardware-trackpads.jpg steam_deck_hardware-tv-alt.jpg steam_deck_hardware-accssories.jpg steam_deck_software-deck-home-ui-english.jpg steam_deck_software-deck-library-ui-english.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Incepuse totul sa sune si sa arate bine, pana am ajuns la rezolutia ecranului: 1280 x 800px. WTH, nu suntem in 2021, sau am gresit eu anul? Tare curios ce producator au gasit ei care mai face asemenea ecrane la asemenea rezolutii. Pe care nu o mai gasesti decat pe cele mai slabe tablete sau cele mai ieftine telefoane de pe piata. Si pe Switch, desigur.

  3. #3 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Switch Pro! Lol...

    @MonkY daca puneau ecran FullHD nu mai ducea jocuri AAA la framerate jucabil, asa cum se lauda ei. Plus ca ar fi supt bateria in 30 de min.

  4. #4 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Exact. Trebuie tinut cont ca e vorba de jocuri full de PC, nu de ceva super optimizat cum sunt jocurile de switch care oricum ruleaza in rezolutie dinamica, deci 520p in majoritatea timpului.

    Also, un laptop care sa ruleze Control decent cred ca e undeva pe la 7-800$. Si sigur merg toate jocurile din librarie si vor merge in continuare, deci 720p e super ok in cazurile astea.

    Mie mi se pare interesant, chiar daca nu am decat vreo 10-20 de jocuri in librarie, dar majoritatea oamenilor au deja sute de jocuri.

  5. #5 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Un FullHD era chiar super decent, dar 720p pentru PC Games on handheld, e prea putin (cel putin pentru mine). Si o sa se vada asta, pentru ca nu e ca la Switch, unde jocurile sunt deja gandite pentru asemenea rezolutie. Eu stiu ca am incercat de-a lungul timpului tot felul de jocuri de PC pe smartphone si pe tableta (via Nvidia Shield, Gamestream, etc.) si la 99% din jocuri imi era imposibil sa citesc un amarat de text - si asta pe 11" si 12.9" (plus super rezolutie). Also, ce sens mai are sa zici ca joci un super joc de PC in high quality, la care faci downsample la 720p? Pentru mine chestiile astea nu prea au ce cauta in aceeasi fraza. Ori e high quality, ori e 720p?

    In fine, probabil voi ajunge sa cumpar si asta (instinct de hoarder, deh), dar asta nu inseamna ca nu-s dezamagit. Eu sunt tare curios ce manufacturer au gasit ei, care inca mai produce ecran de 7" in 720p... Or fi furat productia de la Nintendo, care trece pe OLED?

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by the Verge
    Valve’s surprising new Steam Deck has been officially announced, promising to let players take their whole Steam library of games on the go. But how does the handheld compare to other major consoles on the market, like the Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X / S, and the PlayStation 5?
    How does Valve’s Steam Deck compare to the Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X, and PlayStation 5?

    Quote Originally Posted by gamesradar+
    Valve's newly announced Steam Deck has instantly become one of the most intriguing bits of hardware on the market, but how does the portable, dock-enabled mini-PC compare to the latest consoles – PS5, Xbox Series X, and the competing Nintendo Switch handheld?
    How Valve's Steam Deck compares to Nintendo Switch, PS5, and Xbox Series X

    Quote Originally Posted by tom's guide
    The Valve Steam Deck and the Nintendo Switch OLED were unveiled within a week of each other, and on the surface, the two machines have a lot in common. They’re both handheld gaming consoles that you can attach to TVs. Each one comes from a trusted developer with decades of experience in the industry. But even with all that common ground, there’s no getting around the fact that the two systems have different audiences in mind.
    Valve Steam Deck vs Nintendo Switch OLED: What should you buy?

    Valve a mai scos un Steam Machine. Îmi place că nu renunță.

  7. #7 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Las si eu asta aici (doar una din tonele de alternative de pe piata). Si da, are rezolutia de "doar" 2560 x 1608:

  8. #8 SP
    Member Papillon_'s Avatar
    2560 x 1608 la ce detalli si fps-uri te joci? bateria cat tine 30 de minute intr-un joc AAA?

    Steam Deck e foarte bun pentru ce ofera, poti sa pui emulatoare si te joci practic orice.

  9. #9 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Despre pret, design, oportunitate:
    Quote Originally Posted by IGN
    "I want to pick this up and say, oh, it all works. It's all fast. It's all... and then price point was secondary and painful. But that was pretty clearly a critical aspect to it," Newell said. "But the first thing was the performance and the experience, [that] was the biggest and most fundamental constraint that was driving this." [...]

    "We knew that the price point was very important, so [...] from the beginning, we designed with that in mind, and we worked very, very hard to achieve the price point that we're at," said Valve hardware director Shreya Liu in a separate interview. [...]

    Other considerations were the fit and finish quality, said designer John Ikeda, who said that it had to be "premium in feel, premium in look."

    "[W]e weren't going to sacrifice those, so balancing that in this atmosphere of supply chain and manufacturing toughness, was something that we knew from the very beginning that we weren't going to sacrifice, so we needed to find a way," Ikeda said. [...]

    "Nobody has ever said, 'Oh, we have a giant success where clearly there's huge demand for this, but our margins are too thin.' Right? And a lot of people have overpriced things and killed the opportunity, and sort of convince people that it's an uninteresting category from the get-go," Newell said. "So we're definitely... our view is... we're doing this for the long haul. And there's a lot of opportunity. And so far, everything we're hearing from our partners, mainly because they're the ones that we've talked about it the most, is a lot of enthusiasm that this is something that they're really going to be happy to see the PC community pushing into this space."
    Gabe Newell: Hitting Steam Deck Price Was 'Painful' but 'Critical' - IGN

  10. #10 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! Super tare vestea asta. Nici nu mai imi trebuie PS5. O sa il iau si pe ala candva cand o sa apara seconduri la preturi decente. Dar faza sa pot juca colectia de PC oriunde e incredibila. Sa nu mai car laptopul dupa mine e super veste. Rezolutia? Hai sa fim seriosi. Cati tineti laptopurile full hd la sclare 100%. Sa nu vorbesc de 4k. Toate puse in scalare 150% sau mai mult. Si va rog eu mult jucati-va pe baterie pe laptopurile de gaming in rezolutii maxime si ziceti aici cam cat va tine bateria...Sa nu vorbim ca nici nu merg unele jocuri in rezolutii mari pe baterie, pur si simplu nu poate furniza sufucenta putere pt placa video si procesor, Si atunci la ce rahat imi trebuie rezolutie 8k pe un ecran mic? Sa imi pape baterie, sa se incinga si sa mearga cu framarate de cacao? Ma bucur enorm ca oameni cu cap au ales ecranul ala sa asigure playabilitate si nu rahat de marketing. Singura mea emotie e sa fie disponibile aparatele si la noi in tara. Bravo Valve!!! Si bravo mie ca am luat o gramada de jocuri acum cu Sumer Sale-ul lor...Am cam uitat de PS store in ultimul timp si imi pare bine ca am facut-o. Asa se face concurenta si asa se ataca lipsa de stocuri a lui Sony. PS. Tocmai mi-am mai cumparat un joc la care aveam retineri, motivat de vestea ca din decembrie o sa-l pot juca si remote intr-un mod atat de simplu .

  11. #11 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Cei care exagerati pe-aici ca nu conteaza rezolutia pe un portabil cand vine vorba de jocuri de PC, este foarte clar pentru mine ca nici nu ati incercat vreodata. Dupa ce veti testa, veniti aici si laudati jucaria... pana atunci, sunt doar vorbe in vant. Eu vorbesc in cunostinta de cauza (ce-i drept, nu am testat pe Steam Deck, dar principiul e acelasi). Majoritatea jocurilor sunt imposibil de jucat in 7" (nu au fost gandite pentru ceva asa mic) si unele chiar si pe 11", la unele nu poti citi textul nici cu lupa (succes la RPG-uri!), la altele datorita rezolutiei poti sa joci si cu mama calitatii setata la maxim, ca tot o varza iese (jocurile de Switch o sa vi se para super misto prin comparatie). Nu mai vorbim ca o foarte mare parte din jocurile de pe Steam nici macar nu au suport pt. gamepad. Deci la acelea stiti ca veti da skip din start, da? Sau sa vedeti ce fun e cand in mijlocul jocului vi se cere sa apasati F5 sau mai stiu eu ce tasta... ca nah, nu s-a chinuit nimeni sa patchuiasca pentru control pe gamepad. And so on... dar oricum nu are rost, am inteles ca e "godly pc console in 720p", so it is what it is.

    @MRC: Asta cu "nici nu mai imi trebuie PS5" a fost chiar funny. E ca si cand ai compara mere cu... cozonaci.

    @Papillon: Nu am testat jucaria aceea, e doar ultima aparuta pe piata (de-abia a fost crowdfunded). Chinezaria pe care o aveam eu tinea cam 5-6 ore bateria in jocuri, in 1080p. Dar asta era acum vreo 3 ani, se presupunea ca am mai evoluat de-atunci. E bine ca am "evoluat" spre 720p.

    Ce mi se pare mie funny, ca majoritatea celor care acum lauda Steam Deck-ul cu al sau 720p, pana acum faceau misto de Switch. Oh, the irony!

  12. #12 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Cred ca una din calitatile actuale e sa iti cunosti nevoile. Si cum aici e forum de gaming inclusiv aceste nevoi. Tehnolgia actuala e suficient de puternica incat sa acopere cam orice nevoie. Monky daca pt tine rezolutia aia e atat de importanta gasesti alternative. Nevoia mea de gaming mobil va fi satisfacuta perfect de acel mic aparat chiar si cu un dysplai de 7 inch in doar 720p. Nu am nevoie de ceva mai mult pt jocurile pe care intentionez sa le joc pe acel aparat. Daca vreau RPG sa citesc textul nu o sa-l joc pe ecran de 7 inch. Daca vreau jocuri care se joaca cu tastatura si mouse nu o sa le joc cu controller. Dar daca din miile de jocuri de pe steam gasesc 20-30 de jocuri perfecte pt acel mic aparat eu ma declar multumit. Si eu le-am gasit deja. De ce? Pt ca imi cunosc nevoia. Si am spus ca nu vreau momentan PS5. De ce? Pt ca nevoia mea de gaming versus pretul lui versus costul jocurilor care chiar ma intereseaza pe el versus disponibilitatea mea de a sta in fata unui tv cu un controller in mana rezulta intr-o nevoie mima in acest moment. Cand echilibrul ala se va stabiliza o sa imi iau si ps5.

  13. #13 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Steam Deck Spec Analysis: Can It Really Handle AAA PC Gaming?:

  14. #14 SP
    Member Antiohh's Avatar
    2-8 ore , la inceput de viata a bateriei, mi se pare foarte putin.

  15. #15 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Antiohh View Post
    2-8 ore , la inceput de viata a bateriei, mi se pare foarte putin.
    Aparatul e practic un mic pc. Nu o cred sa gasesti laptop la ora actuala care sa tina mai mult incarcat pe baterie jucand jocuri pe el. 8 ore mi se pare ok sa joc spre exemplu Shank sau Rayman pe el (pe laptop maxim 5 ore scot). Si 2 ore de jucat jocuri foarte solicitante de ex RDR2 mi se pare excelent. Si marele avantaj e ca e mult mai portabil si poate fi cu siguranta incarcat de la o baterie externa. Uita-te de curiozitate cate costa o baterie externa pt un laptop. Nu gasesti sub 700-800 lei si personal nu cred ca pot incarca un laptop in timp ce e utilizat.

  16. #16 SP
    Member Antiohh's Avatar
    Tu spui 8 ore, eu vad maxim 8 ore. Nu o sa fie 8 ore... 8 ore, daca ar tine in toate jocurile, ar fi decent, nu zic ca nu. Dar ca in functie de joc poate tine si doar 2 ore... Cum ai zis si tu, poate nu intelegem noi carui sector se adreseaza. Eu am avut un psp in copilarie si am fost multumit de el. De asta, nu as fi asa sigur.

    Bateria externa nu mi-a venit in minte. Da, e o metoda buna sa prelungesti bateria. Desi eu stiu si de la telefon ca e destul de greu de carat una maricica, Iar consola in sine e deja foarte mare.

  17. #17 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Avand in vedere ca e un pc cu siguranta poti reduce calitatea grafica si o sa te tina mai mult bateria. Tocmai de aia au fost destepti sa nu puna ecran fhd sau chiar mai mare ca rezolutie, sa se asigure ca tine minim 2 ore in max seting in cel mai complex joc aaa. Daca ai laptop te rog fa o incercare si joaca cel mai complex joc al tau in detalii maxime pe baterie si reviono cu cat timp a tinut bateria. Aparatul asta nu e o consola. Nu are predefinite niste chestii si detalii grafice ca ps4, ps5 etc cu mici posibilitati de ajustare. E un PC. Daca vrei sa storci din el totul in materie de baterie sunt sigur ca poti sa obtii chiar si mai mult de 8 ore fuctie de joc si calitatea video aleasa. Si cum ziceam, baterii externe si ieftine pt telefon ce vor fi compatibile se gasesc pe toate gardurile.

  18. #18 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Switch OLED & Steam Deck Scalpers Are Already Out of Control...

  20. #20 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Mai e o chestie cu acest dispozitiv datorata faptului ca nu e consola. Nu ii obliga absolut nimic sa mentina acelasi hardware o anumita perioada de timp. Peste o perioada, daca o sa aiba succes si cum tehnologia evolueaza o sa lanseze altul mai puternic fara nici o problema. Cu ecran 4k oled, rami , procesor si hdd mai rapid etc. Pana la urma e visul orcarui gamer: combinatia intre pc si consola. Libertatea data de ecosistemul pc si portabilitatea si usurinta de a juca pe consola. Nu prea inteleg nemultumirea unora avand in vedere ca e pana la urma un PC nu consola. Nu va place? Puteti sa va cuparati pc-uri cu mii de euro fix pe configuratia dorita.

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