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Thread: Assassin's Creed Mirage

  1. #41 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Infinity nu e doar un hub de multiplayer, este, daca vrei, un fel de "shared launcher", un pod intre jocurile AC care o sa fie sub caciula lui, dar asta nu inseamna ca acele jocuri (precum Red sau Hexe) o sa aiba multiplayer. Ba chiar ma indoiesc amarnic ca Red cel putin o sa aiba vreo componenta multiplayer, cel putin una sincrona.

    IMO, avand in vedere ca mi-au placut atat Odyssey cat si Valhalla si am bagat ~80h in fiecare, sunt mai mult decat fericit sa tot vad AC-uri. Culmea, pre-Origins mi se luase de ele, dar imi place directia mai action-RPG in care s-au dus, e mai pe stilul meu. AC1 din cate stiu s-a pierdut codul sursa, sau nu mai au tot intregul, de-aia nu cred ca o sa vedem vreun remaster, iar remake nu cred ca are sens, n-as face remake la un joc vechi dintr-o serie care are bestselling new entries. As vedea chiar Mirage ca pe un fel de remake de AC1.

  2. #42 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar
    Da, am citit si alte articole si asa va fi in Infinity. Vor si jocuri singleplayer dar si multiplayer.

    Legat de Mirage, sediul celor Hidden Ones este chiar Alamut, chiar daca este inca in constructie, unde in primul joc nu l-am putut vizita.
    Probabil Basim va gasi ceva piese Isu sub castel.

  3. #43 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by eagle-eye View Post
    As vedea chiar Mirage ca pe un fel de remake de AC1.
    Cam asa il descrie si Ubisoft:

    Experience a modern take on the features and gameplay that have defined a franchise for 15 years. Journey to Alamut, the legendary home of the Assassins who laid the foundations of the Creed in this heartfelt homage to the game that started it all.

  4. #44 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Detalii noi - suna din ce in ce mai interesant si mai promitator:
    "Yes, we started Mirage, in its first idea, as a Valhalla DLC, and it was quite different at the time. That idea only lived for a few weeks and only on paper, in fact. Quite early, we decided to become a standalone with a full new character because we saw all the potential of such a return to the roots. And it was all pretty quick."

    Some other intresting points from the article:

    Mirage has a bit more about Bayek and his legacy, plus some links to Altair

    Unity was an inspiration for Mirage's parkour system, but they aimed to upgrade and enhance with new animations and a quickness for Basim .

    Wanted system is back. Player can be foot chased inside the city. The crowd can sometimes recognize you if you were wanted.

    Compare Mirage's length to first one, Assassin's Creed Revelations, or Assassin's Creed Unity. So might not necessarily shorter than the mainline games before Origins

    3 type of detection states that are clearly showcased to the player. Warning state - can evade easily, search state - leads NPCs to look for you and try to investigate you, last state- fight and conflict .

    Detection will spread between AI , there are different enemy archetypes that will play with all those stage behaviors . Some archetypes are able to use their horn to call reinforcements.
    No branching skill tree

    "[Mirage] is going to be a condensed experience," Assassin's Creed Mirage art director Jean-Luc Sala told me. "It's a more focused game. The size of it is something like a Rogue or a Revelations, just to give you an idea of the scope."

    The size of the City is something about as dense as Paris in AC Unity

    Like in Unity, plenty of buildings are enterable and you can parkour through them

    There is some wilderness in the game

    There are places other than Baghdad that you will explore

    Greater emphasis on Social Stealth and Parkour

    Basim is not a warrior like Bayek, Kassandra or Eivor. He is not a tank that can openly engage multiple enemies

    "Basim is definitely not Eivor. You have to pay attention to that, what you do, how you play. If you are hit, you are hit. You are going to regret it really, really soon. If you start to fight with big, chunky enemies, thinking this is like Valhalla, you are going to die really fast. You need to just take your time, look around. ...It's more a bird of prey playing with their prey approach. Take your time, look around, be smart, move quick, kill, disappear, think again, look around. So it's really that: you kill and vanish, then come back again. If you are static, it's no good."

    Basim is one of the "fastest" protagonists in AC. Has a move called the "Pole Vault" that allows him to cross gaps whilst free running.

    "The pace of parkour is definitely faster than the previous games, so you have some tools to help you to go fast. So the parkour base is improved, faster. You do have new vanishing tools that help a lot. The corner swing is back, so you can just go really fast, turn around, and go somewhere else. It's a mixture of old and new mechanics, but nothing revolutionary."

    Basim can pull off a new multi-kill assassination that sounds like the Fear Takedowns in Arkham Knight.

    Mirage takes place 100 years before the creation of the Creed.

    You will see Alamut in its construction.

    Mirage is by no means a reboot for Assassin's Creed, yet I couldn't help but feel like it might almost act as a narrative on-ramp for lapsed fans or newcomers to the series.

    Mirage is not representative of a drastic shift for Assassin's Creed. The series isn't going back to this style of game from now on--we're still going to get Odyssey- and Valhalla-sized experiences.

    Black Box missions are returning. "So all the activities of the bureau: investigating, identifying targets, and then identifying the boundaries of the Black Box, and see what happens there. They're going to be obviously full of enemies, so it's perhaps not a good idea to go straight in and try to reach your target. You need to be a little bit more stealthy and smart, take your time and look at what's happening before making decisions. There are multiple ways to take down your target."

    No present day (gameplay?)

    Not too much science fiction.

    Like all AC games it won't be 100% historically accurate, this plays into some tools Basim will have that would not have been invented in 850s. Emotion and Gameplay come before pure accuracy.

  5. #45 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Like in Unity, plenty of buildings are enterable and you can parkour through them
    N-ai cum... la un oras atat de bogat dpdv arhitectural ca Bagdad-ul acelor vremuri daca vor face si cladirile accesibile la interior ca in Unity atunci pregatiti batiste pentru televizoare...

    Sunt pe gard!

  6. #46 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar
    Interesante noi detalii. Deja mi-a starnit imaginatia. Totusi sper sa ne arate si un gameplay la el. Clar il voi juca. Am reusit sa joc toata seria.
    1 si 2 pe PS3 . Apoi 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 3 si Black Flag pe PC si mai apoi am reluat de la 2 direct pe PS4.

  7. #47 SP
    Member cosmin1088's Avatar
    Eu sper sa revina la formula de dinainte de AC Origins.
    Origins, Odyssey, Valhala sunt jocuri bune, dar inutil de lungi, efectiv iti ia minim 100 ore pt fiecare, si se instaleaza foarte repede plictiseala, repetivitatea.

    Cred ca sunt contra vantului, dar mie mi-a placut extrem de mult Syndicate. Era perfect echilibrat, nu foarte lung, destul de variat.
    Sper ca Mirage sa mearga tot in directia asta. Daca va avea un oras mai mic dar mult mai incarcat, si cu NPC-uri ca in Unity, cu o durata de maxim 60 ore, ar fi perfect. Din ce am citit pana acum, cam asta ar fi directia.

  8. #48 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    E exagerat 100h, in 80h am terminat Odyssey, cu tot cu majoritatea side contentului. 60h pt Mirage s-ar putea sa fie o dorinta prea mare, mai ales ca e micut si vandut la pret redus. Eu ma astept la ~20h.

  9. #49 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar

  10. #50 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar

  11. #51 SP
    Junior Member bastardpig's Avatar
    Ma asteptam de anul trecut sa lanseze AC cu Basim in rolul principal si sa fie setat pe Bagdadul medieval, un oras neexplorat, dar in format de DLC, alaturi de Franta, Irlanda, Anglia, Skye, Vinland, plus Asgard, Jotunheim si Svartalfheim (omg, deja sunt prea multe harti in Valhalla )

    Si sa fi mers mai departe, pana in Rusia Kieveana (dar fara nicio legatura cu Rusia moscovita), care sa se fi petrecut la Kiev pe vremea cand vikingii au colonizat spatiul ucrainean de azi, dar n-au vrut sa iste controverse din cauza razboiului.

  12. #52 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    ^ da si prin Romania cand invada Imperiul Otoman, si in Vietnam sa sabotezi opratiunile Agent Orange, si pe timpul lui Hristos petrecut in Tibet nu? Cred ca trebuie sa te angajeze Ubisoft!

  13. #53 SP
    Junior Member bastardpig's Avatar
    Daca scoate un joc anual, ne plangem ca recicleaza la greu franciza si ca fiecare joc e copy-paste.

    Daca scoate un joc la 3 ani (si apropo, asta e o premiera in istoria francizei), zicem ca mulg prea mult Valhalla cu DLC-uri si expansions.

    Ce model am prefera?

  14. #54 SP
    Junior Member JDoe83's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bastardpig View Post

    Ce model am prefera?

    Primul, din punctul meu de vedere. Mai variat, că e mai bine, am de unde alege.

  15. #55 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Detalii de la un french YouTuber:

    Quote Originally Posted by r/assassinscreed
    -Estimated release date is october 12

    -The game originally was written as a DLC for Valhalla then turned into a standalone as it gained more depths during development

    -The gameplay seems to be closer to Origins, lots of gadgets and items to use during mission, the skill tree is smaller with only about 15 skills to unlock, several weapons to unlock with big missions.

    -4 mains assassination target, closer to AC1 as you will have to investigate these targets to know who they are and gain informations before killing them

    -Almost complete disappearance of the mythology, apparently no more god-like powers to use during battles

    -The story of Bazim starts as a simple thief who come accross an artifact of the First Civilisation

    -There is an Isu temple in the Alamut fortress (which is actually said on the AC wiki apparently)

    -Although the map is only Baghdad, this city will be much bigger than Paris in Unity as it will also have villages and desert areas outside the city.

    -The story will explore how the Order went from "The Hidden Ones" to The Assassins we know

    -More stealth, tailing, listening mission etc.

    -the Eagle is still here but the Eagle Vision is also back

    -Come back of the notoriety system making guards more and more suspicious of you etc.

    -No more choosing your character or having dialogue choices, choices that impacts the story

    -Don't expect the parkour etc. to be as great as it was in Unity

    -The factions are back like with Ezio, you can recruit thieves, mercenaries etc.

    -Not a lot of cut scenes to the present

    -The codex is back
    French AC Youtuber gives a ton of leak on AC Mirage (map, combat, assassination, progression) and says it releases October 12 (maximum pushed to November) : r/GamingLeaksAndRumours

  16. #56 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar

  17. #57 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Imi place ce am vazut pana acum, in sfarsit un Assassins Creed care într-adevăr arata si are atmosfera vechilor AC-uri. Odyssey ma obosit si nu prea mi-a placut, Valhalla nici nu l-am jucat si nici nu vreau sa-l joc, in ultima perioada au deviat tare de la ce a fost o data AC, bine ca nu au ajuns sa faca jocuri car racing si sa le numeasca AC.

  18. #58 SP
    Junior Member's Avatar
    S-ar putea ca fix asta sa fie avantajul lor, pentru ca au deviat atat de mult de la ce a fost AC, sa apreciem mult mai mult Mirage acum, probabil ni s-ar fi parut repetitiv si plictisitor deja daca respectau reteta pana in momentul asta.

    Tare imi e ca o sa fie un mare succes daca nu fac o mare greseala de optimizare a jocului la lansare, iar atunci sunt foarte curios daca o sa se schimbe ceva in abordarea marilor companii, sa mearga pe un joc "ceva mai scurt" si la pret de lansare 50$ (cum retin ca ar fi AC Mirage in momentul de fata).

  19. #59 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar

  20. #60 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar
    AC Mirage va aparea la Ubisoft Forward, impreuna cu Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora si The Crew Motorfest si un joc enigmatic.

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