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Thread: BioShock 2

  1. #221 SP
    Member Solozaur's Avatar
    A mai avut cineva probleme cu FPS-urile in single-player pe PS3?

    La mine se mai intampla sa scada deodata fps-urile, rau de tot, merge in reluare, ca sa scap de asta inainte dadeam load si isi revenea la normal dar am salvat din greseala cand era cu fps-urile scazute si acum nu mai pot sa ies din ***ul asta de faza - imi merge in 20fps-uri constant si sincer n-asi vrea sa dau load cu un capitol in urma de pe un save in care mergea ok.

    Are cineva o solutie?

  2. #222 SP
    Member oBL1O's Avatar
    Total dezamagit de joc. La vanzare/schimb cu el.

    PS: Nici mie nu-mi place cum se misca. Cred ca de 25 de fps-uri nu sare. In MP e si mai rau.

  3. #223 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Solozaur View Post
    Are cineva o solutie?
    Uita-te prin Options; trebuie sa fie acolo Unlock Framerate. Dai Enable si o sa creasca FPS undeva intre 30-60 dar o sa apara putin screen-tearing. De asemenea, in MP nu poate fi folosita aceasta functie.

  4. #224 SP
    Member Solozaur's Avatar
    Am incercat si optiunea aia, la mine era din start OFF si am incercat cu ea ON si apoi iar OFF dar tot ca un rahat merge

    @Oblio: in MP merge foarte bine, si in SP a mers perfect dar are momente cand scad fps-urile fara motiv si acum sunt blocat intr-un moment dinala

  5. #225 SP
    Senior Member CrysMM's Avatar
    [360] Sunt abia la inceputul lui. B1 l-am jucat pe PC, briliant. Asta nu pare a fi, deja m-am plictisit serios dupa 1h de joc

  6. #226 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Prima parte nu mai are acel farmec, desi reuseste sa depaseasca foarte multe din jocurile lansate in ultimii ani. Pe sfarsit isi revine, abia atunci e demn de numele BioShock.

  7. #227 SP
    Senior Member CrysMM's Avatar
    Daaa? Sper sa pot trece peste plictiseala si sa ajung la "crema".

  8. #228 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    �ncă trei zile! Mooooor! - Rapture Metro Map Pack

  9. #229 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Sorry for the bad news Ronan:

    Bioshock 2 �Rapture Metro Pack� delayed - The Lost Gamer

    It has been announced today that the Rapture Metro Pack for Bioshock 2, previously due to be released this week, has been delayed. As to when it will hit Xbox Live, Games for Windows or PlayStation Network is unknown at this time.

    The contents of the DLC, which is confirmed to cost 800 Microsoft Points, are:
    Six all-new maps built, some built from the single-player portion of the game
    Three new Achievements/Trophies
    Rebirth Feature � Players who reach rank 50 have the option to rank down to Level 1 and receive a special mask

    We�ll be sure to keep you posted when a release date is confirmed.

  10. #230 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

    As to when it will hit Xbox Live, Games for Windows or PlayStation Network is unknown at this time.
    ...grav, grav de tot! -

  11. #231 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    FREE DLC -
    Kill 'em Kindly DLC Trailer HD

    Can't wait!

  12. #232 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Acum pe XBL Marketplace! - probabil și pe PSN (defapt au apărut acum 5 ore - am avut probleme cu PC-ul că mai devreme):

    DLC 1: Zigo & Blanche (File Size: 108 KB) - Xbox LIVE Marketplace | BioShock 2 (adică cele două personaje primite exclusiv pentru PRE-ORDER)
    • Enroll in Sinclair Solution�s Consumer Rewards Program with two new characters for the BioShock 2 Multiplayer experience: Mlle Blanche de Glace, the internationally acclaimed actress, or Zigo D�Acosta, one of Rapture�s great sailors. Get out there and start earning those rewards!
    DLC 2: Rapture Metro (File Size: 659 MB) 800 - Xbox LIVE Marketplace | BioShock 2
    • As one of our valued Sinclair Solutions testers, we specially invite you to enjoy the pleasure of Rebirth! But only if you are truly dedicated and fully ranked up. However all testers are eligible for the 6 new maps in Rapture Metro. What�s your golf handicap? Take this chance to turn your handicap into your enemy�s with this fresh melee mode where every blunt object is a golf club. No putting.
    DLC 3: Kill 'em Kindly (File Size: 659 MB) FREE - Xbox LIVE Marketplace | BioShock 2
    • What�s your golf handicap? Take this chance to turn your handicap into your enemy�s with this fresh melee mode where every blunt object is a golf club. No putting.

    3 New Achievements: (1000/1150)

    Aqua Incognita
    Play at least one non-private match on each downloadable content map.

    Win a non-private match in each of the 6 new maps.

    Use Rebirth to start again!

    New Videos:

  13. #233 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    New BioShock 2 single-player DLC releases next month

    2K�s just announced a new single-player DLC pack for BioShock 2.

    Known as �Protector Trials,� the DLC once again sees you take control of Big Daddy as you defend a Little Sister �against swarms of corrupt Splicers who are hell-bent on stealing the precious ADAM that she gathers from corpses.�

    The pack includes six new maps, three unique difficulty levels, new unlockables and seven new Achievements and Trophies.

    �The team at 2K Marin has been working hard ever since the launch of BioShock 2 to develop ways for gamers to extend their time in the single-player world of Rapture,� said 2K boss Christopher Hartmann.

    ��I�m proud to announce the first of these experiences, the Protector Trials, which takes players back to some of their favorite places from the original game and features some of the biggest challenges that fans of this series have ever experienced.

    �More DLC for the game has been promised �in the coming months.�Protector Trials is available on August 3 for PC, 360 and PS3 for 400 MS points/$4.99.

    ---------- Post added 01-07-2010 at 07:37 PM ----------

    [url]BioShock 2 Video Game, Protector Trials DLC Trailer HD | Game Trailers & Videos |

  14. #234 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar c�teva ore a apărut și noul DLC

    -păi ce-i asta. Lipsesc c�teva ore de pe XBL și se schimbă lumea? - damn!

    ---------- Post added 05-08-2010 at 09:16 PM ----------

    Mă nu cred mă! Ce faă ăștia? A dispărut DLC-ul. Acuma vroiam să-l cumpăr și nu-l mai găsesc. INCREDIBIL!

    Poate verifica cineva? Poate-s eu ORB!


  15. #235 SP
    Senior Member GS0Ls's Avatar
    Intr-adevar, cred nu il gasesc si eu. Mai mult ca sigur e o problema temporara ce se va rezolva pana maine.

  16. #236 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Protector Trials se numește noul DLC.

    ---------- Post added 05-08-2010 at 09:23 PM ----------

    Ei cred că n-a observat nimeni - oricum eu merg pe varianta prețului greșit. Nu-i prima dată c�nd fac așa ceva.

    Mamă ce nervos sunt - -- Scuze de mass-ul trimis pe

  17. #237 SP
    Senior Member naz's Avatar

  18. #238 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Așa! Merci! 400 - bun! - mie pe XBL tot nu-mi apare (�l iau de pe site și gata).

  19. #239 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  20. #240 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

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