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Thread: Final Fantasy VII Remake (+Intergrade) / Rebirth / ?

  1. #61 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Deja o dai in altele si cred ca o sa incheiem subiectul. Esti complet pe langa subiect cu jocurile pe 2 discuri (si ce anume ocupa acele discuri) sau The Last of Us Part 2 si limitarile lui vs FF7R. Inteleg ca esti fan FF7 si nu vreau sa incepem o discutie contradictorie gen PS v Xbox (cum deja incepusesi).

    Referitor la FF7R, inteleg acum ca adauga lucruri, dar povestea overall e tot aia. Oricum, ma intereseaza prea putin. Il puteau scoate pe 7 discuri ca sa te bucuri de el intr-o singura parte, dar nici asta nu conteaza.

    Ideea e foarte simpla. Daca-ti place, o sa cumperi 5 parti, fiecare la pret full, pentru 20-30h content fiecare. Iar pe asta se bazeaza ei. Fanbase-ul universului Final Fantasy este foarte mare, deci au de unde sa mulga.

  2. #62 SP
    Banned wd87's Avatar
    exact cum au spus ca TLOU era o poveste completa pana a vandut zeci de milioane si au scos partea a doua din dos, normal ca e facut sa se faca bani, e un product, toate jocurile sunt facute pentru profit, dar sa zici ca jocul e pe doua discuri pt "marketing" e o premiera pt ca nu am mai auzit de astfel de marketing, de ce nu o face si Call Of Duty? sau alte jocuri? nu ai treaba cu ce vorbesti, sunt detaliile prea complicate pt tine

  3. #63 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Cred ca interpretezi gresit. Nu am zis ca-i marketing faptul ca vine pe 2 discuri. Am zis ca-i marketing faptul ca l-au impartit in mai multe parti, ca sa scoata bani de mai multe ori pe un joc iubit de foarte multa lume.

    Acum inteleg nelamurirea ta si de ce tot faceai referire la 2 discuri. My bad. Probabil a fost ceva exprimare gresita de la mine, nici nu mai stiu unde am spus

  4. #64 SP
    Member Mishy's Avatar

  5. #65 SP
    Mad Collector rodarkone's Avatar
    Astept cu interes jocul, mie mi-a placut ce am jucat din demo (desi nu l-am terminat ... am evitat sa "stric" placerea de a il juca cand imi vine)

    Oricum FF7 este un joc interesant, l-am jucat initial pe PC (pentru ca la vremea aceea nu prea stia lumea ce e aia un Playstation) ...

  6. #66 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  7. #67 SP
    Mad Collector rodarkone's Avatar

  8. #68 SP
    Junior Member Antaury97's Avatar
    A mai facut cineva rost de joc? Aveam pre-order de pe JRC dar nu s-a mai auzit nimic de el, la fel si pe eMag si Altex.

  9. #69 SP
    Senior Member keanustar's Avatar
    Eu am primit jocul de la JRC in ziua lansarii cu precomanda data cu cateva zile inainte.
    Un prieten a luat de la Flanco Deluxe Edition dupa lansare si i-a livrat, asca ca precomanda pe care o avea la Altex a fost anulata pe motiv ca n-au primit jocul.
    Gamesline vad ca il vinde prin eMag cu 250.

  10. #70 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    Si eu am luat deluxe de la flanco,livrat ieri,cu multe insistente din partea mea.

  11. #71 SP
    Junior Member Kumo's Avatar
    Eu am facut precomanda la Altex la deluxe acu 1 luna,mi au trimis mail acu 2 zile sa mi zica ca aprovizionarea se face cu intarziere de la furnizor, si ca o sa mi comunice alta data de livrare...inca astept.

    Edit: Este stupid cum alte magazine mai mici din Romania il au dar fix Altex nu l a primit.

  12. #72 SP
    Junior Member Antaury97's Avatar
    Mersi de raspunsuri! Interesant cu JRC tho, mi-au raspuns acum spunand ca "nu au nicio informatie concreta de la furnizor" si nu pot estima data livrarii...

  13. #73 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kumo View Post
    Eu am facut precomanda la Altex la deluxe acu 1 luna,mi au trimis mail acu 2 zile sa mi zica ca aprovizionarea se face cu intarziere de la furnizor, si ca o sa mi comunice alta data de livrare...inca astept.

    Edit: Este stupid cum alte magazine mai mici din Romania il au dar fix Altex nu l a primit.
    Asa am patit eu cu doom eternal CE, am facut si la altex si la emag, la emag mi au dat email ca nu il mai au, la altex au livrat dupa o saptamana, dar a fost livrat, e o problema cu aprovizionarea in general, cel mai probabil o sa ajunga dar cu ceva intarziere.Also, fun fact, am fost sunat de la emag dupa doua saptamani sa ma intrebe daca il mai vreau

  14. #74 SP
    Junior Member Kumo's Avatar
    Faina treaba

    Data viitoare o sa dau si eu in premiera comanda la mai multi sa vad ce iese

  15. #75 SP
    Banned wd87's Avatar
    incredibil jocul, o alta exclusiva PS4 de top, candidat GOTY cu usurinta

  16. #76 SP
    Senior Member keanustar's Avatar
    L-am terminat si eu azi. Nu am jucat originalul, asa ca nu am avut termen de comparatie cu el.
    Cred ca intra undeva in top 5 pentru mine pe generatia asta.
    Daca nu ar fi avut pe alocuri texturile alea de PS2, care te scoate cateodata din imersiune, as fi zis ca e de nota 10.
    Muzica superba, poveste foarte faina, foarte multi bossi si foarte bine facuti. Probabil jocurile Fromsoftware sunt peste la capitolul asta, dar nu sunt genul meu.
    Nu prea ma atragea fighting style-ul inainte sa il iau, dar te obisnuiesti repede.
    Cu alte cuvinte, este must buy si abia astept continuarea, care sper sa nu vina peste 5 ani.

  17. #77 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  18. #78 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade vine pe PS5 in 10 iunie 2021.
    Announcement Trailer:

    PS5 Features Video:

  19. #79 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    PS5 Extended and Enhanced Features Video:

  20. #80 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Square Enix
    Learn More About Yuffie and New Characters in ‘FF7R Episode INTERmission’

    SQUARE ENIX® today revealed exciting new details for FINAL FANTASY® VII INTERGRADE, the enhanced and expanded version of the critically acclaimed and award-winning FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE on the PlayStation®5 (PS5™) console. The team revealed the official title for the new episode featuring Yuffie as FF7R EPISODE INTERmission, and introduced new information on the episode’s main character, Yuffie Kisaragi, as well as the talented English voice cast behind the new characters for this new episode.

    Players can look forward to utilizing Yuffie’s signature battle style in combat while they infiltrate the shadowy Shinra Corporation to steal a powerful materia and restore glory to her homeland, as she shines in both close and long-range combat. As a member of Wutai's elite corps of ninja operatives, her Unique Ability allows her to throw her iconic massive throwing star at enemies. During that time, she is able to attack with long-range ninjutsu that can be augmented with her Elemental Ninjutsu ability, which can change its affinity to fire, ice, lightning or wind.

    Another of Yuffie’s abilities, “Banishment,” unleashes an attack that does more damage based on how much ATB was spent before it. Similar to her Unique Ability, its elemental affinity can be changed with Elemental Ninjutsu.

    Yuffie can also use “Windstorm,” which creates a damaging gust of wind that damages nearby enemies and launches them towards her. Players can look forward to learning even more about Yuffie’s specialized ninja fighting style and enjoy an expanded gameplay experience featuring multiple new combat and gameplay additions for FF7R EPISODE INTERmission.

    Alongside Yuffie and Sonon, additional characters were introduced for FF7R EPISODE INTERmission, including Zhijie, a Wutain who acts as the point of contact between the new Wutaian government and Avalanche HQ, members of Avalanche HQ—Nayo, Billy Bob, and Polk, and Weiss, the sadistic ruler of Shinra’s top-secret underground research center Deepground.

    SQUARE ENIX also announced the talented English voice cast behind these new characters in FF7R EPISODE INTERmission, including:
    - Yuffie Kisaragi, voiced by Suzie Yeung
    - Sonon Kusakabe, voiced by Aleks Le
    - Weiss, voiced by Daman Mills
    - Zhijie, voiced by Griffin Puatu
    - Nayo, voiced by Ashley Boettcher
    - Billy Bob, voiced by David Goldstein
    - Polk, voiced by Daniel Amerman
    Attached Images Attached Images ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_01_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_02_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_03_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_04_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_05_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_06_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_07_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_08_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_09_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_10_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_11_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg ff7rintergrade_aprilscreenshot_12_bmp_jpgcopy.jpg billy_bob_full_render_16_9.png nayo_full_render_16_9.png polk_full_render_16_9.png weiss_full_render_16_9.png yuffie_bust_render_2_16_9.png yuffie_full_render_2_16_9.png zhijie_full_render_16_9.png

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