Quote Originally Posted by kobayashi View Post
Daca o consola "next gen" nu e in stare de asa ceva la ce sa-ti mai bati capul cu next gen?...but maybe that's just me.

Nu avea pretentii exagerate de la o consola, oricat de "next gen" este, nu se va compara niciodata cu un PC high end din punct de vedere al calitatii grafice. Vrei asta, ia-ti un PC, joaca-te pe el. N-o sa gasesti pe console niciodata ce vei gasi acolo.

Si nici macar nu e asta ideea unei console sa rivalizeze cu PC-ul.

A fost odata mentalitatea asta, acum nu mai e. Dovada faptului ca GPU-urile din NEXT GEN sunt niste amarate de mainstream-uri iar consola nu mai este o masina sa rivalizeze cu PC-ul ci o masina multimedia destinata cu totul si cu totul altui segment de gameri.

In 2005 / 2006 si in anii urmatori s-a incercat o miscare de genul switch de pe PC-uri pe console, lansand X360 si PS3 cu un hardware superior oricarui PC existent pe atunci, trecand prin exclusivitati si terminand cu atat de mediatizata moarte a PC Gaming-ului.

In 2013/2014 lumea s-a prins ca nu e o directie buna asta si ca atare s-au reorientat. Nu mai vrea nimeni sa concureze cu PC-ul, sau sa il scoata din ecuatie. Vor sa lanseze masini decente de jocuri orientate multimedia. Si asta si sunt. Intr-un survey pentru urmatorul GDC au fost intervievati cateva mii de dezvoltatori, iar in urma statisticilor, mai mult de 50% lucreaza la jocuri exclusive pentru PC. Pentru PS4 lucreaza un procent de 20% urmat de 17% pentru Xbox One.

More than 2600 North American developers have been surveyed in preparation for the upcoming Game Developers Conference in March. The survey polled which platforms developers are planning on making games for, and how they plan on seeking funding. Perhaps unsurprisingly, PS4 is the most popular console platform for developers, with 20% intending to make games for Sony's new console. To compare, only 17% and 4% of those surveyed said they will work on Xbox One and Wii U respectively.
PlayStation 4 Leads Among New Consoles, as Developers Flock to PC and Mobile

With the new generation of game consoles still in their infancy, 20% of developers surveyed said they intend to release their next game on Sony's PlayStation 4. That edges out Xbox One's 17% and greatly outpaces Wii U's 4%. Fourteen percent of developers said they are currently developing games for PlayStation 4, versus 12 percent for Xbox One and 4 percent for Wii U.

While PS4 has a narrow lead in the console space when it comes to developer intent, it's still lower-barrier PC and smartphone/tablet development that attracts most developers surveyed. Fifty-one percent plan to make their next game for smartphone/tablet, while 52% anticipate releasing their next game on PC/Mac.

Meanwhile, 53% of respondents are currently working on PC or Mac titles and 52% of developers are creating titles for tablet/smartphones.