Single post: 100% Trophy & Achivements Completionists Thread

  1. #1807 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar

    + The Order: 1886 - {P} 100% - Un joc superb, foarte underrated, iar ca bonus trofeele sunt foarte usoare.
    + Dying Light - {P} 100% - It's like Dead Island except it doesn't suck. Joc foarte distractiv, mai ales in co-op. Dar in schimb trofeele sunt infernale, nu pt ca ar fi grele dar o groaza sunt buguite si sunt pline forumurile de plangeri...

    EDIT: + FC4: Valley of the Yetis - Simpatic DLC-ul, chiar ofera o continuare valida si leaga povestea lui Yalung.
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