Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
Incredibil ce-am vazut... Microsoft + Oculus Rift... cu gamepad de Xbox One inclus... Deci PC + Xbox One. Sony deja cred ca-si roade unghiile cu Morpheus...
Eu am înțeles altceva, iar ce am înțeles eu nu prea ma încântă, poate nu am înțeles bine Stream...

PS: cam ce a înțeles colegul, dar pe un ton mai puțin agresiv

Oculus has partnered with Microsoft to enable Xbox One games such as Halo, Forza and Sunset Overdrive, to stream to Oculus Rift via Windows 10

More interesting was an expansion of the previously announced feature that will allow Windows 10 users to stream games from their Xbox One to a PC. Oculus Rift owners will be able to stream Xbox One games (through a PC) to the Oculus Rift headset. However, based on a very brief demo, it looks as if this won't offer a proper VR experience; you'll instead be playing games on a screen in a "virtual cinema."
Deci, am nevoie de XOne, Oculus si PC. Nu, mulțumesc., m-a pierdut la faza cu PC-ul. Pt o experiență completa ar trebui sa scot cel puțin 1200 de euro...

Gamers picking up the first consumer Oculus Rift virtual reality headset will notice a very familiar controller scheme -- the company just announced it will ship with an Xbox One wireless controller and adapter packed in. Although it doesn't support plugging into game consoles directly, Oculus and Microsoft announced that the headset will support the new Xbox-to-Windows game streaming in a VR environment. Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to include plans for full VR games like the PS4 and Project Morpheus, as what we saw during the presentation amounted to a virtual living room setup watching the game on a big screen.

Also, there's a question of how well the controller will work since it doesn't have positional tracking for use in a full-VR environment, like what we've seen from Morpheus and Steam's Project Lighthouse.
LE: Pt asta ar trebui sa își roadă unghiile?