Quote Originally Posted by tudyniuz View Post
Pai joaca Zelda si Mario Kart pe PC atunci
Nu iti doresc sa investesti zeci de ore intr-un joc ca apoi sa te trezesti ca numai ai salvarile. Ca jucator o experienta oribila.

Foate bine puncteaza autorul, Switch fiind o consola portabila are si mai multa nevoie de salvari, preferabil in cloud.

"If there was ever a piece of hardware that needed some form of emergency backup, it’s the Nintendo Switch. It is A) a console with a launch game that requires an enormous time investment where it would be devastating if that data was lost B) it’s a piece of hardware with many, many technical issues, so the overall health of the system may be in question and C) it’s designed to be taken out into the world exposing it to far more precarious scenarios than other consoles. It is absolutely ludicrous that with all these factors in play, that Nintendo does not offer the ability to copy save data externally, or have something as routine as cloud uploads. Nintendo is risking permanently losing customers and fans the moment a 100 hour Zelda save is lost or corrupted with no recourse, and this is an issue that should be a #1 priority fix moving forward."