Checking in on Miles and Peter in Spider-Man: Miles Morales:

Miles has a spider physiology, which gives him the proportionate abilities of a spider. These powers are similar to Peter Parker’s spider abilities but also different in a few notable ways.

- Superhuman Strength: capable of lifting at least 10 tons, can jump to a height of several stories in a single bound
- Superhuman Speed: can run and move at speeds beyond the limits of Olympic athletes
- Superhuman Stamina: can physically exert himself for several hours before fatigue sets in
- Superhuman Durability: Miles' body is physically resistant to some types of injury and can withstand great impacts
- Superhuman Agility: enhanced agility, balance, flexibility, and bodily coordination
- Wall-Crawling: can cling to any wall or ceiling using his fingertips and feet
- Spider-Sense: an internal buzz alerts Miles’ to incoming dangers, offering close to near-complete awareness of surroundings
- Bio-Electrokinesis: unlike Peter, Miles can control the natural electricity of his body, which can be weaponized, sending bio-electric shocks to enemies with a touch. These attacks take several forms (such as Venom blast and Venom punch) and can also be used to destroy technology
- Energy-Thread Generation: can produce threads of bioelectricity from his hands with the same tensile prehensility of his web fluid
- Spider-Camouflage: can blend into surroundings, effectively becoming invisible
- Regenerative Healing Factor: can regenerate injuries at a faster rate than normal
Meet The New Wall Crawler In Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales - Game Informer