Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
Daca este adevarat ce zice in articolul asta si nu este doar "omis" faptul ca si PS5 ca avea ceva identic, este fff nasol si absolut stupid din partea lui Sony

Efectiv ar ramane singurii cu implementare diferita pentru unele chestii si nu face deloc sens, atata timp cat hardware-ul e 100% DX12U compliant si toate engine-urile de jocuri vor avea full support pt DX12U...sa vii cu ceva diferit...incurci pe toata lumea.
Daca este asa, e posibil sa revedem situatia lui PS3, care era o consola foarte puternica dar pe care nu au putut programa decat putine studiouri, restul scotand jocuri calitativ mai slabe decat pe X360.

Sper sa aflam mai repede ce anume e non-standard in PS5
Sony nu are acces la Directx12U, este exclusiv Microsoft.

"Xbox was working with AMD to create mesh shaders and Directx ray tracing"

RDNA 2 – The custom designed processor in the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S leverages RDNA 2, the latest next generation graphics architecture from our partners at AMD. RDNA 2 provides a significant advancement in performance and efficiency as well as next generation graphics features such as hardware accelerated raytracing and variable rate shading. Our new Xbox consoles are uniquely positioned to take advantage of the full feature set of RDNA 2 in hardware, only possible on Xbox consoles.
Nu am auzit ca PS5 sa aiba urmatoarele:

Variable Rate Shading (VRS) – Variable Rate Shading increases GPU efficiency by concentrating shader work where it’s most needed and reducing shader work in areas where it won’t be noticeable. With minimal developer effort, VRS significantly improves GPU performance resulting in more stable and higher resolutions and frame rates with no perceptible loss in visual quality.

DirectML – Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S support Machine Learning for games with DirectML, a component of DirectX. DirectML leverages unprecedented hardware performance in a console, with Xbox Series X benefiting from over 24 TFLOPS of 16-bit float performance and over 97 TOPS (trillion operations per second) of 4-bit integer performance on Xbox Series X. Machine Learning can improve a wide range of areas, such as making NPCs much smarter, providing vastly more lifelike animation, and greatly improving visual quality.

DirectStorage – DirectStorage is an all new I/O system designed specifically for gaming to unleash the full performance of the SSD and hardware decompression. It is one of the components that comprise the Xbox Velocity Architecture. Modern games perform asset streaming in the background to continuously load the next parts of the world while you play, and DirectStorage can reduce the CPU overhead for these I/O operations from multiple cores to taking just a small fraction of a single core; thereby freeing considerable CPU power for the game to spend on areas like better physics or more NPCs in a scene. This newest member of the DirectX family is being introduced with Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S and we plan to bring it to Windows as well.

Dynamic Latency Input (DLI) –Another innovation we are making to reduce latency for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S is Dynamic Latency Input (DLI). With DLI, developers can more accurately synchronize the player’s input with the game’s simulation and render loop, even further reducing input latency while playing the game.

GPU Work Creation – Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S add hardware, firmware and shader compiler support for GPU work creation that provides powerful capabilities for the GPU to efficiently handle new workloads without any CPU assistance. This provides more flexibility and performance for developers to deliver their graphics visions.

Hardware Accelerated DirectX Raytracing (DXR) – From improved lighting, shadows and reflections as well as more realistic acoustics and spatial audio, raytracing enables developers to create more physically accurate worlds. For the very first time in a game console, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S include support for high performance, hardware accelerated raytracing. Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S use a custom-designed GPU leveraging the latest innovation from our partners at AMD and built in collaboration with the same team who developed DirectX Raytracing. Developers will be able to deliver incredibly immersive visual and audio experiences using the same techniques on PC and beyond.

Hardware Decompression – Hardware decompression is a dedicated hardware component introduced with Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S to allow games to consume as little space as possible on the SSD while eliminating all CPU overhead typically associated with run-time decompression. It reduces the software overhead of decompression when operating at full SSD performance from more than three CPU cores to zero – thereby freeing considerable CPU power for the game to spend on areas like better gameplay and improved framerates. Hardware decompression is one of the components of the Xbox Velocity Architecture.

Mesh Shading – Mesh shading will enable developers to dramatically improve the performance and image quality when rendering a substantial number of complex objects in a scene. As an example, mesh shaders could enable the player to experience asteroid belts and fields of flowers in more pristine detail without seeing a loss in performance.

Dpmdv diferenta de putere e mult mai mare decat acei 10.3tflops vs 12.1tflops....la Series X este sustained performance, ma indoiesc ca PS5 ofera mereu acei 10.3tflops, mai degraba peak power!