Tehnic, il pot lansa pe Xbox One, dar cu niste compromisuri mari. Mai bine o versiune si buna. Fanii Halo sunt loiali, isi iau Series, nu-i problema. Voi ce ziceti?
[...] Cyberpunk 2077 has endured some lengthy delays, just like Microsoft's own Halo Infinite, now pushed back at least a year. And based on the Cyberpunk 2077 launch, some real questions should be asked over putting it on the Xbox One at all.

Now, more than ever, a decision has to be made: Halo Infinite should not be released on the Xbox One for the sake of the fans, the money they're going to spend on it, and the time they will invest.

In short, Cyberpunk 2077 is a mess. CDPR will no doubt issue patches and address the issues as best they can, but this game is massive and it's clear that the base Xbox One and PS4 simply cannot keep up. [...]

By the time Halo Infinite launches, the Xbox Series X and Series S will have been on sale for at least a year. There's every likelihood that Halo Infinite will look and play amazingly well on the new consoles. Everything about them is better. Cyberpunk 2077 hasn't even been patched for Series X yet but still seems to hit a consistent 60-ish FPS because the performance mode paired with the sheer horsepower allows for it.

But the story goes back to the base Xbox One. This console had already been holding back the Xbox One X, because all Xbox One games had to be on both. Towards the end of the console generation, it felt that we were starting to miss out on what could have been because of the older, weaker console.

Halo Infinite has already endured a troubled birth. Can Microsoft really afford to take the risk of low frame rates, poor textures and low resolution, coupled with the arduous loading times the old consoles have, when it pushes out arguably its most important new game in years?

I don't think it's worth it.

As much as it hurts to say it, the Xbox One family is dead and should be cut loose before it starts to do more harm than good to reputations and to the enjoyment people are getting from games. What's the point in spending money on a game you won't enjoy because the hardware you have just can't handle it?

PC gamers have had to fight with this forever. You can try every trick in the book, but sometimes you just have to admit defeat and either not play or upgrade your hardware. [...]
Cyberpunk 2077 is proof Halo Infinite should skip the Xbox One | Windows Central