Xenoblade Chronicles 2 out of stock on Amazon Japan, following Pyra and Mythra’s Smash reveal

Many announcements were made during last week’s Nintendo Direct, including the next fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, with Pyra and Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 arriving in March. As an apparent result, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is currently out of stock on Amazon Japan, and it seems stock at Amazon in the U.S. is low right now as well. It’s another indication of how there’s no denying the reach that the Super Smash Bros. series has. For example, in my personal experience, Pit’s inclusion in Brawl was enough reason for me to go out and play Kid Icarus: Uprising. If you have yet to play Xenoblade Chronicles 2, you’re in for an epic JRPG adventure with a ton of fun moments.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Sells Out In Japan Following Pyra and Mythra's Smash Announcement

Could Xenoblade Chronicles 2 finally be getting the hype it deserves? With just over 2 million sales worldwide since its 2017 release - take Breath of the Wild's 23 million sales as a comparison - it's still the best-selling Xenoblade game by about half a million.

Following the announcement that Pyra and Mythra are going to be added to the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster, people have been rushing to check out the girls (or, er, girl) in action. As a result, copies of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are out of stock on Amazon Japan, and the US version of Amazon is running out of stock, too.