Semnificatia craniului incoronat:
Skull with Crown ... When combined with a skull, the crown symbol takes on a new meaning: it reminds the wearer to use his power wisely or to beware of becoming power-hungry. It can also mean that the wearer hopes to have better luck in his next life or to remind him that his success will one day run out.

A crown is the traditional symbolic form of headgear worn by a monarch or by a deity, for whom the crown traditionally represents power, legitimacy, victory, triumph, honour, and glory, as well as immortality, righteousness, and resurrection.Skull symbolism is the attachment of symbolic meaning to the human skull. The most common symbolic use of the skull is as a representation of death, mortality and the unachievable nature of immortality. ... Our present society predominantly associates skulls with death and evil.

Legion is a demon or group of demons, particularly those in two of three versions of the exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac, an account in the New Testament of an incident in which Jesus performs an exorcism.
Semnificatia capului de porc:
Here, Golding makes clear that the pig's head, which is also referred to as Lord of the Flies, another name for the Devil, is a symbol of the beast, which represents evil. During his hallucination, Simon understands that the beast is not something that can be killed because it exists inside humans.
Ochiul acoperit
The "one-eye" is a symbol of the Illuminati and it represents the “all seeing eye", which is representative of intelligence, wisdom and enlightenment. This could include things like vision, life, religion, proper focus, clear thinking and vision, the inner being, smartness, protection, intuition, protector or even foretelling the future.

Codul de bare
The barcode is a part of the symbolism which simultaneously emphasizes the need for individuality ( as so they say ???), as well as the human body as a commodity. The application of barcode on the skin is ironic, where it presumably cannot be used for scanning purposes, even though real information can be encoded in the tattoo, and it pokes fun at the way we see ourselves and our bodies.
However, the barcode tattoo is most typically worn by people with a great distrust in the government, such as punks, as well as anarchists. When used in tattoo art, the barcode is meant to be ironical, which is a warning that if we are not careful as a culture, we will all be in danger of becoming products ourselve

Smartphone-ul pe care il are in mana reprezinta clar abilitatea de a executa si comunica.

In joc parca e vorba ca sunt o legiune de hackeri care vor sa se lupte pentru controlul asupra Londrei post-Brexit.