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Se pare ca iti place Console Games insa nu ti-ai creat inca un cont. Pentru a beneficia de toate avantajele iti ia doar un minut sa te inregistrezi si este gratuit. In plus ca membru poti accesa nelimitat toate functiile acestui website, comunica direct cu ceilalti si participa la concursuri, tournaments, arcade, etc. Multumim anticipat pentru intelegere ! Inregistreaza-te acum !

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Single post: Console Club

  1. #180 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Weta Workshop
    During her voyage through the Lost City of Vilcabamba, Lara found herself in a valley teeming with danger; calmness and cunning had never been so critical. With her trusty dual pistols and aerobatic flair, Lara perfected the ability to attack whilst on the go.

    Of course, no one leaves the valley completely unscathed. Our latest sculpt of Lady Croft captures all the details of her dangerous adventure, including every last cut and bruise.


    - 1:4 scale;
    - Limited Edition size to be confirmed;
    - Made from high-quality polystone;
    - Sculpted by Gary Hunt;
    - The iconic level, the Lost Valley, recreated in celebration of the 25th anniversary of Lara Croft;
    - A dynamic pose, featuring two Raptors and Lara croft mid-fight;
    - Highly detailed base design

    Weta Workshop | Lara Croft The Lost Valley - Weta Workshop

    Attached Images Attached Images weta_workshop_lara_croft_the_lost_valley_01.jpg weta_workshop_lara_croft_the_lost_valley_02.jpg