Phil Spencer a insistat pentru Game Pass:
Quote Originally Posted by The Wall Street Journal
In 2017, the company introduced Game Pass, a service offering a catalog of games for people to play for a monthly fee, instead of buying individual titles for around $60 apiece.

“We’ve only scratched the surface of the opportunity this new model brings to the industry,” Mr. Spencer wrote in a blog post soon after launching Game Pass.

Mr. Spencer was at the center of pushing this strategy forward. In meetings, Mr. Spencer’s staff would present arguments for why Game Pass wouldn’t work—publishers wouldn’t participate, or it would eat into profits—recalled Mr. Irving, the former Xbox staffer. But Mr. Spencer wouldn’t relent.

“He wouldn’t take no for an answer,” said Mr. Irving, who was present at those early meetings. “He was always trying to find a way to make it work.”

Sarah Bond, a corporate vice president in the Xbox group, joined in 2017 right when Game Pass launched and has watched Mr. Spencer slowly build his vision piece by piece.

“He is an extraordinarily patient man,” said Ms. Bond. “He thinks of things in arcs of time far longer than me. He often encourages me to be patient.”
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