Nu. Sunt jocurile care primesc updates constante dupa lansare, mostly jocuri f2p.
A live service game is a game that sees a constant stream of new content added post launch, and is purposefully designed to keep you playing years after launch. This is unlike traditional single-player games, which can be completed in a set number of hours.

Such content can vary drastically. For example, the likes of Fortnite and Apex Legends introduce new cosmetics, weapons and multiplayer maps on a seasonal basis – you even sometimes get an entire new game mode. And then you have the likes of Destiny 2 and World of Warcraft, which feature numerous expansion packs with new missions and story content.

However, a game needs a substantial amount of post-release content to be considered a ‘live service’. The Witcher 3 received two expansion packs and 16 DLC, but is still not considered a ‘live service’ game.

Live service games are quite often free to play, with players only expected to pay for the optional expansions, microtransactions or seasonal passes.