Single post: XBMC - Xbox Media Center

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Thumbs up XBMC - Xbox Media Center

    Presupun ca nu exista consolist care sa detina un Xbox si sa nu fi auzit de XBMC, sau sa nu foloseasca asa ceva. In optinia mea este (inca) cel mai bun media center ever made. Ba mai mult, de curand a si fost recunoscuta aceasta calitate, XBMC castigand titlul de "Best Project for Gamers" la SourceForge.Net 2008 Community Choice Awards (phew, ce titlu scurt).

    Pentru cei care doresc detalii, pagina oficiala poate fi gasita aici.
    Pe scurt, este un Media Center care poate playa aproape orice format video/audio. Si face asta cu stil, avand una din cele mai ergonomice interfete (deh, a fost conceput pt. gamepad usage). Dupa cum insa majoritatea stiu, acesta fiind un software distribuit prin SVN, open source, e mai complicat pentru userul de rand sa il ia acasa sa si-l compileze, faca debugging, etc. Therefore, a aparut un nume mare, t3ch, care a salvat situatia. Aproape saptamanal, mai face o noua compilatie cu XBMC la zi.

    Ultima versiune (T3CH XBMC 2008-07-28 SVN rev14439) poate fi downloadata de aici.

    Multi nu stiu, insa de curand s-a inceput lucrul si la versiunea pentru Windows. Detalii si ultimul build puteti gasi aici. Nu este la fel de stabila precum cea de Xbox, insa are avantajul ca poate playa FullHD fara probleme, ceea ce batranul Xbox cu al sau procesor la 733Mhz nu prea tine.

    Partial XBMC for Xbox CHANGELOG (revision 14439 to 14095)

    2008-07-25 14439 added: Plugin method xbmcplugin.disableCache(). Allows you to disable caching so backing into the directory will refresh the listing. (sets a property "donotcachetodisc") Thanks cptspiff
    2008-07-25 14438 fixed: .cut files associated thumb only displayed when item was highlighted (thanks cptspiff)
    2008-07-24 14423 fixed: Don't try and reload fonts until they've been loaded in to begin with.
    2008-07-24 14405 fixed: Ticket #4353 - xbmc.getLocalizedString() does not retrieve string
    2008-07-23 14395 changed: Allow either system/keymap.xml or userdata/keymap.xml to be considered OK to start.
    2008-07-20 14309 fixed: Make sure we check for keymap.xml in system rather than userdata now that that's where it is!
    2008-07-20 14280 merged: linuxport revisions through to 14279.
    2008-07-20 14279 merged: Reloading/scaling of fonts after calibration and resolution changes from linuxport.
    2008-07-20 14278 updated: swedish translations fix and tweaks (based on english 14051)
    2008-07-20 14272 merged: Sync'd up the keyboard differences from linuxport -> trunk (mainly from the unicode patch of rev 10226).
    2008-07-20 14269 merged: linuxport revisions through to 14268. Actual revisions merged: 14064,067,098,107,109,121,139,174,180,182,205,211-214,219,227,232-234,248
    2008-07-18 14224 synchronized default movie stacking expressions with linux build
    2008-07-17 14179 fixed: dvdplayback wasn't work. (my previous commit to dvdplayer for dvd's not stopping when dvd requested it, uncovered another bug in input stream handling)
    2008-07-17 14177 fixed: Workaround for video playback crashing that occured due to the progress bar threading changes.
    2008-07-15 14102 removed: Unneeded control types that only xlink kai used (backport of linuxport rev 14100)
    2008-07-15 14099 removed: xlink kai.
    2008-07-15 14097 fixed: localized string functions should not be static (thanks jmarshall)
    Attached Images Attached Images screenshot1.png screenshot2.png screenshot3.png screenshot4.png screenshot5.png screenshot6.png screenshot7.png screenshot10.png