e devarat ca in ultimul deceniu a fost o abundenta de info despre subiectul asta dar se poate ca asta sa fie o consecinta a faptului ca informatia calatoreste mai rapid ca niciodata in istoria noastra, nu neaparat ca se pregateste o dezvaluire oficiala.
sigur, oameni ca Donald Keyhoe - Major in US Marine (foate important de citit) sau Steven Greer (The Disclosure Project) au adunat dovezi si marturii si au incercat sa dezvazlue publicului si liderilor faptul ca OZN-urile sunt reale (si tot ce implica asta: contact vizual si fizic). dar au fost luati in serios de catre o comisie oficiala? nu. au fost ridiculizati si amenintati? da.

deci nu cred ca ni se pregateste vreo dezvaluire oficiala prea curand. oamenii care s-au straduit sa tina asta in secret pana acum nu vor ceda usor pozitia de putere pe care o detin.
pubicul stia la vremea respectiva despre Manhattan Project ? abia dupa Hiroshima si Nagasaki a aflat si publicul, prea tarziu imo.

qute from Major Donald Keyhoe:
It�s incredible that they (the military) have gotten away with this for 30 years.[...] I can�t explain all this but I have been working on something which could put this thing into the open.[...]It�s a plan that I have been told by my insiders at the Pentagon, that headquarters would consider seriously.
(There are) three things that would keep them doing all the denials, and one of them is they�re sure they�re going to catch holy hell if they come out and admit they�ve been misleading the public and being really harsh in some of their attacks on some of the witnesses for 30 years.
The next one is they are afraid they will scare a lot of people if they admit that these things are interplanetary and that some of the accidents on record were caused by UFOs, not proof of hostility but they were caused by it. And mainly because we�ve been chasing and shooting at them.
And the third one is � and this one I can�t accept it � is that there is a very terrible answer to all this, and the CIA and the Air Force and the national defense security council are agreed that they must fight to the last inch to keep this from coming out because it would cause panic all over the world. (Some) of these things are Above Top Secret.