Quote Originally Posted by Uziwood View Post
Nu stiu cat e adevar si cat e imaginatie avand in vedere ca in majoritatea jocurilor de ps1 triunghiul era folosti ca "back, no etc."
sa-mi spui cate surse mai vrei:
  1. What Do The PlayStation's Circle, X, Square, and Triangle Buttons Mean?
  2. Ever Wondered What X, Triangle, Square & Circle Actually Meant? | The Gaming Liberty.com
  3. Sony Designer Explains PlayStation Symbols | NowGamer
  4. PS1 designer on the fight for controller handles, what the button icons really mean | Joystiq
  5. All About the PlayStation 1's Design
  6. What Do The Buttons On The PlayStation Controller Mean?
interviul original e in famitsu (in revista) si nu pot sa iti arat interviul, dar acesta a fost tradus de catre cei de la 1UP. acum daca si stirea asta e fantezie, atunci in cine sa ne mai incredem?