Xbox 360「怒首領蜂大復活」PV 第2弾

Vine, vine! Woooooooooo!

---------- Post added 26-10-2010 at 03:46 PM ----------

Unde e pe meniul recent players? Că nu-l mai găsesc. At�tea chestii inutile sunt pe site...

---------- Post added 26-10-2010 at 03:47 PM ----------

�nainte era la friends...acuma nu mai e.

---------- Post added 26-10-2010 at 04:24 PM ----------

Eh, am primit răspuns official:


Can you please tell me where can I find recent players menu? To see the ones I played a game in the past? On the old it was near the friends menu, and now it's gone.


And just for the record I HATE the new and the upcomming dashboard.
Elite Effect

With the new design, this option is no longer available. The site is still being worked on, and several people have requested they bring back the 'Recent Players' tab.

So, they may add it back, but as of right now, you will need to use the Recent Players tab on your console which you can access via the Xbox 360 Guide Button. Select your Friends List, and scroll to the right, there you will find your Recent Players.