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  1. #3291 SP
    VIP Member Donely's Avatar
    PS3Load: Wiiload for PS3 - Run SELF Programs via Network

    Earlier we reported that AerialX had released an open source SDK entitled PSL1GHT. He now brings us PS3Load, built with the PSL1GHT SDK, an app that allows you to run self files over your wireless or LAN network. For those of you familiar with Wiiload, it is very similar to that but for the PS3.

    To quote: "As an example I wrote a program called PS3Load.
    For those familiar with Wiiload and the Homebrew Channel, PS3Load allows you to run SELF programs over your wireless or wired network!
    To use it, simply run Wiiload with a .self file, and point it to your PS3's IP address.
    PS3Load is included in PSL1GHT's samples, but I've also attached a precompiled self for running directly from app_home (package coming soon).
    For the ultimate fun, ps3load ps3load into ps3load so you can ps3load while you ps3load."
    Attached Images Attached Images nowloading.jpg
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