Cu ajutorul colegului de forum Nameless Fear am studiat azi niste aspecte foarte interesante legate de setarile corecte ale consolei in cazul in care folosim un HD TV - HD Ready sau FULL HD.
Din pacate pentru mine mi-am dat seama ca desi am consola de aproape 1 an, am tinut-o incorect setata pana in momentul de fata. Motivele sunt extrem de bine detaliate in linkul de mai jos:

Spread the word: "RGB Limited" has best colors (not "Full")! - PLAYSTATION�3 General - Forums

Concluzia este urmatoarea: este total GRESIT sa tinem consola setata la RGB Full.
Exista si un test foarte exact pentru setarea corecta a nivelului de luminozitate in cazul in care folositi un HD TV:

"IsPeter offers the following test to determine your set's color range:
Instructions on how to use the previous test (from Neowin post):
"Turn up the brightness control on your display until you can (hopefully) see all four numbers. (1% grey, 2% etc) Assuming you can see all four, adjust brightness to the point where 1 is just about to turn solid black. (if the lowest number you can see is 2, then adjust it until that is almost black). Now, enable Full RGB. If your screen supports it, you should still be able to read the same numbers. If not, it will turn pure black. However, many TVs that support both won't auto-switch between the two, so you may need to check your TV's menus for a "black level" setting. (may be called something different) If you have that, change it and you should see the numbers pop back up onscreen."

La un moment dat eram foarte frustrat deoarece nu gaseam setarea corecta de luminozitate pentru Resistance 2. Diseara voi face corecturile necesare.

Voi cum va tineti consola setata?