muhahaha si sa nu uit, naspa...

Sony has blocked PS3 DNS Hack | Latest Game News And Rumors, Upcoming Games - Kickarss
Sony Patches PSN Bypass Methods, Blocks PS3 DNS Hacks - PS3 NEWS - PlayStation 3 News - PS3 Hacks
With the recent PS3 hacks that have been in the news lately, we haven't heard all too much about Sony successfully patching up the platform's security issues. However, just recently, the company has blocked a certain method that has been used to get into the PS3. It now no longer works.

Hackers are reporting that the DNS and proxy PS3 hacking methods are not usable anymore, thanks to a new update from Sony. While other methods are still able to be used to get into the console, it's good to know that the security problems have at least partially been fixed.