Gizmodo spune ca ar avea doar 256MB (whaaat?!?): Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide
Apple Insider spune ca ar avea 512MB (that's more like it): iPad 2 Will Have 512MB of Ram
Forbes confirma 512MB: Solved: The iPad 2’s Memory Mystery [Update: Apple Won't Officially Confirm] - Brian Caulfield - Shiny Objects - Forbes
Apple tace...

---------- Post added 09-03-2011 at 10:22 AM ----------

Si cam asa arata un video filmat cu iPad2 (din pacate urcat pe youtube in 360p): This Video Was Shot With The iPad 2

---------- Post added 09-03-2011 at 10:26 AM ----------

iPad 2 upto 4 times faster than iPad
CNET UK decided to spend its brief hands-on time with the iPad 2 by running the SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark, which CNET calls "an increasingly important indication of overall performance. The better a phone or tablet is at dealing with JavaScript, the faster more complicated websites such as Facebook will run, which means your whole experience with the device will feel faster."
CNET found initially that the iPad 2 is up to four times faster than the original iPad, but not all this speed improvement is down to the upgraded hardware. The speed advantage dropped to a 1.5x boost when CNET updated the original iPad's OS to a beta version of iOS 4.3 that it happened to have lying around.
iPad 2 and iOS 4.3 JavaScript benchmarks show big performance gains