Mie personal mi se par "horrible"... dar ma gandesc ca Hori nu face totusi lucruri de mantuiala. Pe de alta parte, am mai spus-o si o repet: mouse-ul nu are ce cauta pe console! Din pacate Sony in ultima vreme parca a intrat in vrie... nu mai stie din ce sa scoata bani, indiferent de cum sau cat vor fi afectati anumiti gameri consolisti... posibili ex-clienti, actuali "hacked users"

According to Gameranx, Sony has announced plans to release a mouse and keyboard set of gaming controllers for the PlayStation 3.

The “Tactical Assault Commander 3” will consist of an optical right-handed mouse and left-handed keypad with WASD-style keys, complete with an easy-access D-Pad and comfy looking palm rest for prolonged use.

Awesome! It's already confirmed that Counter Strike on PS3 will support mouse and keyboard.