Un editor IGN iti raspunde la intrebarea " Hit or miss" :

The PlayStation Vita Is Set to Succeed - PSP Feature at IGN

In short, Vita will be the real deal when it's finally released in the west on February 22, 2012. It has an impressive roster of games in development, it's a technological powerhouse with connectivity options that are becoming increasingly important in the games space, and as a dedicated gaming device, everything it's capable of doing combines to make it look much better than the offerings from its primary competitor
Nintendo isn't the primary competition for Sony this time around. The major complaint against something like Vita is that its space is being encroached upon by the phone and tablet market, and hence the real competition for Vita will come from Apple and Android devices. There's certainly something to be said about that. People are playing games on iOS in insane amounts. Hell, 30 million people play Angry Birds everyday. That poses a real problem for Sony.

P.S. Un articol foarte bun, cu pareri pertinente. Congratz !