The Unfinished Swan Is Coming To PSN – PlayStation.Blog.Europe

The Unfinished Swan is a first-person painting game that begins in a totally white space. You throw globs of paint to explore the world around you. In the game, you’re a boy named Monroe who’s chasing after a swan. The swan stepped out of a painting and has wandered off into a surreal, unfinished world.

One of the biggest challenges we had was figuring out what the game was going to be about. The idea of painting a white world is pretty abstract. You could make all kinds of different games about that. A lot of people who saw it 4 years ago assumed it was going to be a horror game. And it totally could have been. But after splatting stuff for a few months, we realized what we liked most about it was the sense of wonder it created. We liked not knowing what was out there.

So we made a game about creating a sense of wonder. Our goal is to give players strange and beautiful experiences they’ve never had before. We want to give people genuine surprises, and then keep on surprising them the whole game. The painting a white world stuff is actually just the
first 15 minutes. After that, things get really weird.