Un nou IP din partea celor de la Capcom ce ne trimite in Parisul viitorului.

Remember Me: Capcom announces new IP from Dontnod | VG247

Capcom has announced a new IP developed by French developer Dontnod called Remember Me. It is the same game that many sites were dubbed �Rain� in a recent Sony trademark filing.

Codenamed �Adrift� at Gamescom 2011, Remember Me focuses on the subject of memores that can be bought and sold, which has given rise to a black market.

The main character is female and was seen running around Neo-Paris in a reveal trailer revealed by Capcom, as she engages enemies in fist fights, climbs the architecture and more.

It�s the same gameplay footage that was rumoured to be part of a Sony trademark filing last week.

The lead character has had her memory wiped clean, and another male character realises he can�t trust her.

Dontnod is a new studio assembled by ex-Criterion, Ubisoft and EA staff.