Aveti grija cand luati hit-uri de la ProductRNR. Eu mi-am luat deja avertisment si mai am cateva pending de la RNR, sper sa nu-mi baneze contul.

Greetings from Mechanical Turk.

We regret to inform you that you were blocked from working on HITs by the following requester(s):


Requesters typically block Workers who submit poor quality work.

Requesters rely on Mechanical Turk for high quality work results. In order to maintain quality, we continuously monitor service activity. Should additional Requesters block you in the future, we may suspend your account. Please ensure your work quality is at a high standard. We encourage you to read the HIT instructions and follow them carefully.

We realize that this block may be a onetime occurrence for you. Should you maintain high work quality with no further complaints for the next few months we will dismiss this event.


The Mechanical Turk Team

EDIT: Unele hit-uri mi le-au acceptat, iar celelalte sunt PENDING.