The Last of Us' Single Player Campaign is "More Than 12 Hours," DLC is "Only Going to be Multiplayer Focused"

Naughty Dog has said in the past that The Last of Us would have the “longest ever” campaign for the company, meaning that your time with the single player in game would last longer than any Uncharted or Jak iteration.

Speaking to EvolveEnt, Arnie Meyer, Community Strategist at Naughty Dog, narrowed down how long it takes to beat the campaign:

We’re definitely looking at more than 12 hours, maybe 12 to 16 right now is what we’re looking at. It really depends on how you play. You can play a little bit slower if you try to approach situations stealthy, if you really wanna explore the environment and scavenge, that’s going to add more time too. So we’re really giving you the flexibility on how much content you can explore.

Arnie then talked a little bit about post-launch content, saying that “DLC for the The Last of Us, it’s also only going to be multiplayer focused, we’re not looking at single player DLC.”