Single post: Ratchet & Clank pe marile ecrane in 2015

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    Ratchet & Clank pe marile ecrane in 2015

    Cei de la Insomniac Games au anuntat un film de animatie cu cele doua personaje Ratchet & Clank mult mai cunoscute datorita jocurilor aparute pe consolele Sony. Filmul a fost anuntat pentru anul 2015, cam departe totusi sau poate ca a fost anuntat prea devreme. Animatia Ratchet & Clank va fi produsa in parteneriat cu cei de la Blockade Entertainment si Rainmaker Entertainment. Mai jos aveti o parte din declaratia lui James Stevenson de la Insomniac si trailerul filmului:

    "One of the biggest questions we've gotten in the last few years is 'When are you going to make a Ratchet & Clank movie? The truth is, we've wanted to do a movie for a long time! Ratchet & Clank's action, humor and galaxy-spanning adventures have really been the basis for a fantastic game series, and we think it'd translate perfectly to the big screen."

    Attached Images Attached Images ratchet.jpg